Currently running Test E and Equipoise for 20 weeks, NPP the first 8 weeks and then will switch that out for Tren Ace and Mast Prop for the last 12 weeks. Kicked the cycle with Anadrol for the first 4 weeks, adding in Superdrol from weeks 9-12, and will run Winstrol the last 4 weeks.
Also running 5mg of CJC-1295 w/DAC per week with 25mg daily of MK-677, and 850mg of Metformin 3 times per day. Most likely will switch out the MK-677 for something else the last 8 weeks.
I am running both Aromasin and Prami on cycle.
Idea of the cycle is to bulk during the first 8 weeks, transition into cutting from weeks 9-12, and then go into a full cut for the last 8 weeks. The GH drugs and metformin have been great for keeping me lean with all the food I am shoving down my throat, but because of them I am holding a lot of water. If I happen to eat too much sodium one night or cheat meal, the next day I will wake up more bloated than a pregnant woman. I will have a swollen face, feet, ect.
To counteract this, I am looking into adding in Aldactone. I've used Lasix a few times, but only for a short duration. I am hoping some of you have some feedback on the best way to use this for long term water loss/prevention. Right now the game plan is to run 50mg 2 times per day.
Also running 5mg of CJC-1295 w/DAC per week with 25mg daily of MK-677, and 850mg of Metformin 3 times per day. Most likely will switch out the MK-677 for something else the last 8 weeks.
I am running both Aromasin and Prami on cycle.
Idea of the cycle is to bulk during the first 8 weeks, transition into cutting from weeks 9-12, and then go into a full cut for the last 8 weeks. The GH drugs and metformin have been great for keeping me lean with all the food I am shoving down my throat, but because of them I am holding a lot of water. If I happen to eat too much sodium one night or cheat meal, the next day I will wake up more bloated than a pregnant woman. I will have a swollen face, feet, ect.
To counteract this, I am looking into adding in Aldactone. I've used Lasix a few times, but only for a short duration. I am hoping some of you have some feedback on the best way to use this for long term water loss/prevention. Right now the game plan is to run 50mg 2 times per day.