EZ bars take the stress off the biceps and place it more on the brachialus So if you want bigger forearms, use the EZ. If you want bigger bieps, stay away from it.
Try this sk:
Superset. Dumbells curls while on a 45 degree incline. Keep the elbows back. (Biggest mistake when curling is jutting the elbows forward.)
DON"T CURL THE WRISTS!!! Keep them flat or slightly back.
Don;t allow the thumbs to go higher than the pinky. The higher the pinky, the more the bicep works.
As soon as you reach failure, pick up a barbell and sit back down in an upright position. The barbell will be on your lap.
Now curl the barbell up in a controlled manner and ower it back down into your lap. In essense, this will be a "half" curl. Don't let the bar rest on your lap. Keep the tension on the bicep.
Rest one minute.
The following set, start with the "half curls" and finish wth the inclines. Do a total of 6 supersets.
The next day you should experience a feeling deep in the pit of your biceps like you've never had before.
Have fun.