The only thing I would recommend (and I'm not at all a doc, just from a "cost of doing this" standpoint...) is var. Winny just isn't a great way to go. NOthing says she can't try it but expect probably immediate scratchy voice, acne, etc as well as the getting harder, stronger, etc. Not sure about very low doses of it. And also don't plan to run it more than say 8-12 weeks.
Proviron is an extremely adrogenic drug - competitors may use it for MAX (and I mean MAX) 4 weeks immediately prior to a competition to get hard. I also can't speak to the libido aspect of it.
Other options might be NPP or very low doses of test prop. The dosing is probably going to be experimental on your (her) part. And the usual sides most likely, acne, oily skin, some bloat, etc.