3 Lbs beef per day,
2 shakes with 2 tablespoons of olive oil per day,
3 cups cottage cheese per day,
All the 2% milk you can hold.
1 Lb ocean fish per day.
5 cups brown rice per day.
You will bulk up.
The Sumo diet plan.....
Pretty much the same food you'd cut with, except 2-5 times the amount if possible, lol. Just because you are bulking doesn't make McDonald's ok. I know a lot of people do... But in my eyes, healthy food is healthy, and unhealthy food is never acceptable.
You may just change fat/carb/protein ratios. But really, lean foods are always top choice.
I usually just add a few protein shakes in between meals when I'm trying to gain. An extra 500 cals or so but it's liquid so I don't really notice that much. It works.