this is one of the most important topics that is never discussed and makes a huge difference.
organic coconut oil is what i use, it is the cleanest and healthiest oil because it is NATURAL.
i would NOT use canola oil (which is a type of vegetable oil), it contains trans fats which are super bad for you. the industry puts out a lot of bullshit info on how healthy it is based on flawed info. it is refined and GM'd, completely unnatural but used cause it is CHEAP and is a great preservative
olive oil (although healthy) is mostly diluted with other oils.. if you want to use olive oil look for the california stamp but it does not cook well at high temps keep that in mind.. the ones imported from spain or italy are going to be diluted everytime, it is a legal loophole
and no to answer your question vegetable oil is absolutely a no-no.. sunflower oil is what chipotle uses and it is horrible, they use it cause it is cheap. peanut oil is also used by fast food companies (chikFILA) and same thing, cheap and horrible oil for your health. you don't see healthy people eating there for a reason