big dog New member Sep 10, 2001 #1 My stats are 5'8 190lbs. I have lost alot of sharpness and gained about 1.5% Bf since my cycled ended. Here are my results. please critique.
My stats are 5'8 190lbs. I have lost alot of sharpness and gained about 1.5% Bf since my cycled ended. Here are my results. please critique.
frorider6 New member Sep 10, 2001 #3 you're ripped, but you're still short. (just trying to make myself feel better). Good job.
gymtime New member Sep 10, 2001 #5 Look good man. Still look real lean to me, but that's a matter of perception I guess. Judging by the calves, the wheels are probably good too. Very well proportioned. Keep it up bud!
Look good man. Still look real lean to me, but that's a matter of perception I guess. Judging by the calves, the wheels are probably good too. Very well proportioned. Keep it up bud!
liftsiron New member Sep 10, 2001 #7 How in the hell did you get your quads so ripped? You look good, if your legs match your upper body you have one hell of a good package going.
How in the hell did you get your quads so ripped? You look good, if your legs match your upper body you have one hell of a good package going.
big dog New member Sep 10, 2001 #8 As you can tell by my calves, may legs are very proportional to my upper body. My cycle was 300mg of Test for weeks 1-8, 50mg of winny Ed and 75mg of Fina EOD weeks 7-12...
As you can tell by my calves, may legs are very proportional to my upper body. My cycle was 300mg of Test for weeks 1-8, 50mg of winny Ed and 75mg of Fina EOD weeks 7-12...
big4rt New member Sep 10, 2001 #10 how did that test do you when cutting it prior to completion of fina?