There are numerous amounts of fitness exercises that you can do to improve your fitness level. Depending on what
you want to achieve, you can go to do simple exercises you can do already and do not need any special equipment to
join a gym and use more specialized equipment.
Once you have taken the time to determine your goals of health and fitness, the best way to decide what fitness
exercises you want to do is follow the five components of fitness (cardiovascular, muscular endurance, muscular
strength, flexibility and composition body).
Here is a look at some exercises you can do for each component.
1.) For cardiovascular health, the best exercises are aerobic exercises. In other words, an exercise that is of low
intensity, but requires a large amount of oxygen for an extended period. In general, aerobic activity should last
at least 20 minutes. Of course, there are many recreational activities that are enjoyable and aerobic in nature.
Some examples are: running, swimming, cycling, skating, dancing and walking speed. Apart from these activities, one
of the easiest ways to get a good aerobic workout is to get an aerobic workout video. A simple Internet search
should provide more than enough options.
For artists and athletes, it may be necessary to separate the next two components of fitness. But for ordinary
people, it is probably not necessary, but of course, you can work on each component separately if desired.
Two.) Muscular endurance exercises are the opposite of cardio (aerobic). From muscle endurance exercises are
anaerobic, which means they have a high intensity for a short period of time so you do not require a lot of oxygen.
Some examples of exercises to help you improve your muscular endurance are pushups, sit-ups, push-ups, sprints,
circuit strength training high repetition.