A thread in the chat room prompted me to think about proper bar selection, use and maintenance. Im curious as to other lifters habits and practices in this area. I work out at a crappy gym with really lousy freeweights, by real lifters standards anyway. The bars are rusty, warped, the knurling has been smoothed down to nothing, the collars have no spin and are even loose and rattly to boot. Then theres the ill fitting plates, lack of platform for deads, shitty collars missing pins....but I digress this is about bars not how shitty Golds' freeweights are. Then I rember the times I trained in an Olympic weightlifting gym...the bar was this incredible Eleiko that was so true, so strong and so precisely machined out of the best fucking steel...it was a gorgeous bar and we treated it well. If we ever set it in a rack to bench or squat, we had those racks padded in rubber then leather. Dont want to damage that superbly grippy yet comfortable knurling. Always rested it flat on the ground, regularly cleaned the grip areas that would slightly corrode from continuous exposure to palm sweat, even though we always chalked up well to minimize moisture. Man I miss working out with a quality set of weights. Dont get me wrong, Im all about the dingy dungeon gyms, but Ive learned not to compromise on good gear.