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Aussie Slang


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Enjoy, this is for the guy with an aussie on his hockey team, johnnyz i think its you/


Acca- Academic (university-type!)

Aggro- Aggressive

Agro- Australian icon, children's TV puppet, made from a bathmat!

Alco/Alkie- Alcoholic

Akubra- Brand of hat

Amber Nectar/Amber Fluid- Beer

Ambo- Ambulance or Ambulance Officer

Ammo- Ammunition

Ankle-biter- Infant

ANZAC- Australian & New Zealand Army Corps

Arvo- Afternoon

Auntie- The Australian Broadcasting Corporation or ABC (Channel 2)

Aussie salute- Using hand to wave away annoying flies

B & S Ball- Ball held for Bachelors and Spinsters, singles crowd, often held in the bush or
remote location and often involving copious amounts of alcohol and sometimes mud!

Back blocks- Outer suburbs, beyond the city

Back of Bourke- Beyond remote outback town in northern New South Wales;
used to describe anywhere far away

Baggy green- Term for the Australian Test Cricket Cap

Bail- Depart or leave

Bail Up- To rob or hold up; bail someone up in the street for a chat

Bananabender- Person from Queensland State (Queenslander)

Barbed wire- Term for XXXX beer

Barbie- Barbecue, the backyard barbie, an Australian institution!

Bargain- Exclamation showing approval

Barney- Argument,fight

Barrack- Cheer loudly for your favourite footy team

Barra- Barramundi fish

Barro- Embarrassing

Bathers- Swimsuit

Battler- Someone who struggles to get by, financially, against the odds

Bean counter- An accountant
Beanie- Woollen hat

Beaut- Beautiful, good - "You beaut!" (also 'Bewdy')

Bender- Heavy drinking session

Berk- Idiot, fool

Berko- Go berserk, mad, crazy

Betcha- I bet you!

Biffo- A fight

Big bikkies- Lots of money

Big smoke- The city

Big sticks- Australian Rules football goal posts

Bignote- A bighead

Bikie- Motorbike rider

Bikkie- Biscuit

Billabong- Waterhole

Billy- Tin used to boil water for tea, in the bush

Bingle- Car accident

Bit of a brothel- A mess!

Bities- Biting insects

Bitser- Mongrel;'Bitser this, bitser that!'

Bizzo- Business

Black Stump- Non-specific place in the outback

Blob- No runs in cricket- 'out for a blob'

Bloke- Man,guy

Blokey- Male domain, male-orientated

Blotto- Drunk

Blow-in- Newcomer

Blowie- Blowfly

Bludger- Lazy person

Blue- Argument, fight

Blue Heeler- Term for an Australian Cattle Dog

Blue swimmer- $10 note, blue in colour

Bluey- A redhead! Or a swag

Blundstones- Elastic-sided work boots - 'Blunnies'

Boardies- Board shorts (for surfing)

Boatie- Person into sailing

Bonza- Great!

Boofhead- Idiot

Boomerang- Scheme which backfires on you; originating from the Aboriginal weapon
made from a curved piece of wood which returns when thrown in the air

Booze- Alcohol, normally beer!

Booze bus- Police vehicle used in Random Breath-Testing exercises

Booze cruise- Boat trip along the river either stopping at various pubs
or offering plenty of alcohol to onboard passengers

Bottleshop- Liquor store, off-licence

Bottleo- Bottleshop

Bozo- Idiot

Brekkie- Breakfast

Brissie- Brisbane, Capital of Queensland (Also Brizzie)

Britney Spears- Rhyming slang for beers - "Couple of Britneys, mate"

Brownnose- A creep or crawler

Brumby- A wild horse

Buckley's- No chance!

Buck's night- Stag party

Bum- Buttocks

Bunch of Fives- Fist

Bundy- Dark rum from Bundaberg, Queensland, sugar cane region

Bunyip- Mythical Australian creature with a piercing cry

Burl- Attempt, try

Bush- Outside the city

Bushed- Tired

Bushie- Member of Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade

Bushman's brekkie- To have no breakfast!

Bushranger- Highwayman (eg. Ned Kelly)

Bush Telegraph- 'Grapevine', word-of-mouth

Bush tucker- Food gathered from nature, in the outback

Bushwalking- Hiking in the bush

Bust a gut- Work hard

Cab Sav- Cabernet Sauvignon wine

Cabbie- Taxi driver

Cack- A cackle, have a laugh, or someone with a sense of humour!

Cadbury- A cheap drunk (As in the Chocolate ad: " A glass and a half" )

Camo- Camouflage clothing

Cancer stick- A cigarette

Cas- Hospital Casualty ward

Cask- Boxed wine in a bladder

Castle- Cricket stumps

Cheerio- Cocktail sausage, also means 'goodbye'!

Cherry Ripe- Chocolate-coated cherry bar

Chippy- A Carpenter

Choof off- Leave, depart

Chook- Chicken, term of affection, 'Chooky'

Chrissie- Christmas

Chuck- To throw, or be sick

Chuck a spaz- Be angry (Also 'chuck a mental')

Chuck a U-ie- Make a U-turn

Chunder- Be sick, vomit

Coathanger- Nickname for Sydney Harbour Bridge

Cobber- Mate, friend

Cockie- Cockroach or Cockatoo

Coldie- An ice-cold beer

Compo- Worker's Compensation pay

Convo- Conversation

Cooee- A call used to find someone lost in the bush

Cool Bananas- Everything's great, fine!

Cop out- Give up or in

Cossie- Swimsuit

Couch Potato- Person who watches TV for long periods of time!

Country mile- A great distance

Cow juice- Milk

Crash- Go to sleep, often at someone else's house!

Crash hot- Wonderful, the best

Crim- Criminal

Croc- Crocodile

Crock- Nonsense, rubbish

Crook- Ill, sick (or thief)

Croweater- Person from South Australia

Crumblies- Elderly parents

Cuppa- Cup of tea

Cushie- To have it easy

Cut lunch- Sandwiches

Dag- Idiot, or unfashionable person, wearing 'daggy' clothes / hairstyle (from sheep poo stuck to it's wool = dags)

Daks- Men's trousers

Damper- Bread made from flour and water on a campfire in the bush

Date roll- Toilet paper

Dead horse- Sauce

Deadbeat- Tired

Deadcert- Definite, certain

Deadhead- Good-for-nothing person

Deadset- Truthful

Dekko- Take a look

Dero- Homeless person, derilict, hobo

Didgeridoo- Aboriginal musical instrument made from a hollowed log

Digger- Australian soldier (usually WW1 vets)

Dill- Idiot

Dinkie-Di- Genuine, honest

Dipstick- Stupid person

Dob in- Inform on someone (Dobber = Informant)

Doco- Documentary

Docs- Doctor Marten boots, popular in Australia especially amongst young people

Doona- Duvet, quilt

Doozey- Something nice or pleasing

Down Under- Referring to Australia or the South Pacific region

Drink-link- Cash machine(ATM)- a source of cash for buying beers

Drizabone- Brand of waterproof wax coat

Drongo- Idiot

Duck- No runs in cricket

Duck's dinner- Drink of water, with nothing to eat

Duds- Trousers

Dunny- Toilet, referring to the old outdoor unplumbed variety

Earbash- Non-stop chatter

Ekka- Exhibition

Esky- Insulated cooler box

Exsie- Expensive

Face Fungus- Moustache or beard

Fair dinkum- Good, honest, truthful

Fair go- Reasonable chance

Fairy bread- Children's party food favourite - bread and butter with 100's & 1000's on top

Fam- Family

Fang- Snack, lunch

Fang Carpenter- Dentist

Fang it- Drive fast (inspired by Fangio)

Farnarkel- Mess around, talk rubbish

Feed- Meal

Fess up- Confess, own up

Fireie- Fire fighter

Five-finger discount- Act of shoplifting

Flannie- Flannelette shirt

Fleabag- Term for the family dog (non-pedigree)

Floater- Meat pie served with mushy pea soup

Folkie- Person into Folk music scene

Foodie- Person interested in fine foods

Footie- Regional term for either Australian Rules Football, or Rugby League or Union!

Fossil- Geriatric, old person

Franger- Condom

Freddo Frog- Small frog-shaped chocolate bar for children

Freebie- Something that costs nothing

Freshie- Freshwater crocodile

Fruit loop- Idiot

Full-on- Expression of approval or surprise; intense

Furniture- Cricket stumps

Furphy- Rumour or lie

G'day- Greeting, hello! (good day to you!)

Gabba- Queensland Cricket Ground at Woolloongabba

Galah- Noisy, rude person, like the squawking bird

Garbo- Garbageman, refuse collector, bin-man

Germ- An obnoxious person

Gerrie- Geriatric, old person

God botherer- Religious fanatic (of the door-to-door variety!)

Goodonyermate!- Good for you, well done!

Good call- Well done!

Good nick- Good condition

Goog- Egg

Goonie- Cheap cask wine

Gowings- Sydney Men's Department store

Green & gold- Australian sport national team colours

Green can- Term for VB beer

Greenie- Environmentalist

Grog- Alcohol

Grog shop- Licensed outlet selling alcohol

Grommet- Young surfer

Grotty- Run-down, dirty

Grouse- Very good, cool!

Grumblebum- Complainer

Guernsey- Win approval (to get a guernsey)

Gumby- Idiot

Gumsucker- Person from Victoria State

Gurgler- Plughole

Gusunda- Potty, "Goes under" the bed

Gutser- To "come a gutser" ie. to fail through poor judgement

Gyno- Gynaecologist

Half your luck!- Congratulations!

Hard yards- Hard work, training

Heart-starter- First alcoholic drink of the day, somtimes first cigarette

Heave- To vomit

Holy-dooly- Expression of suprise (also Hooley Dooley)

Hoo-roo- Goodbye

Hoon- Loudmouth, to drive recklessly!

Horses hoof- Poof/Homosexual

Hostie- Air hostess, flight attendant

Hotel- Pub, with or without accommodation

Humpy- Temporary home in the bush

Icypole- Frozen lolly

Idiot box- Television

Illywhacker- A con merchant

Irrits- To be annoyed

Jackaroo- Cattle or Sheep Station-hand

Jaffa- Orange-flavoured chocolate ball, with hard orange coating,
Traditionally rolled down the cinema aisle!

Jaffle iron- Camping tool, used to make a toasted sandwich

Jillaroo- Female Cattle or Sheep Station-hand

Jocks- Mens underpants

Joe Blow- Mr. Average

Joey- Baby Kangaroo

Jolly green giant- $100 note, green in colour

Journo- Journalist

Jumbuck- Young sheep

Just joshin'- Just kidding

Kark it- Die

Kindy- Kindergarten

Kiwi- A New Zealander

Knock- Criticise

Knuckle sandwich- A punch, bunch of fives

Lamington- Small square of sponge cake covered in chocolate icing, and dessicated coconut

Larrikin- Playful person

Lay-by- Store system of paying for goods in instalments

Lingo- Language

Lippie- Lipstick

Liquid laugh- Vomit

Liquid lunch- Drinking beer at lunchtime

Lobster- $20 note, red in colour

Lolly- Sweets, candy

Longneck- Tall bottle of beer, 750ml or 26oz

Lucky Country- Nickname for Australia

Lurk- Illegal practice, dodge, racket

Lush- An attractive person

Maccas- A well-known fast-food chain

Mag- To 'have a mag', have a chat

Maggot bag- Meat Pie

Mainlander- Person from Australian mainland to a Tasmanian

Manchester- Linen

Mate- Friend, used instead of someone's name!

Mates rates- Discount rates given to friends

Meat Pie- Rhyming slang for a try in Rugby

Metho- Methylated Spirits

Middy- Glass of beer, 285ml or 10oz, in NSW/ACT & WA

Milko- Person who delivers milk

Mollydooker- Left-hander

Moon tan- Pale-skinned person

Mozzie- Mosquito

Muck-up day- Last day of High School, a day of pranks and mischief!

Mullet- Idiot

Muso- Musician

Mystery bag- Meat pie

Narky- Upset, moody

Neato- Excellent

Never Never- Remote outback place or term for hire purchase agreement

No worries!- It's OK, everything's fine!

Nong- Idiot

Norks- Breasts

Nude nut- Bald head, or very short haircut

Nut ducker- Person who pretends not to see you in the street!

O.S.- Overseas

Ocker- A Yob, common person

Old Cheese- Mother

Old Girl- Mother

Old Lady- Wife

Old Man- Father

Olds/Oldies- Parents

On the nose- Smelly

Onya- Good for you!

Osteo- Osteopath

Outback- Remote bush location

Oz- Nickname for Australia

Pash- Kiss, 'Pash-on'

Patsy- Scapegoat

Pav- Pavlova-Australian desert; a meringue base with fruit and cream topping

Pavement pizza- Vomit

Perve- Lustful gaze

Petrolhead- Car enthusiast

Piccy- Picture

Piker- Bore, party pooper: 'Pike out'-To leave the party early!

Pineapple- $50 note, yellow in colour

Pinnie- Pinball machine

Play sillybuggers- Waste time, mess around

Plonk- Cheap wine

Plonko- Wine addict

Pokies- Poker machines, slot or fruit machines

Pollie- Politician

Pommie- Term used to describe an English person

Port- Suitcase

Postie- Person who delivers mail

Pot- Glass of beer, 285ml or 10oz, in QLD & VIC

Pozzie- Position, seat

Preggers- To be pregnant

Prezzie- A present, gift

Pullie- Pullover, sweater, jumper

Pushie- Pushbike, bicycle

Pyro- Pyromaniac

Queensland Nut- Macadamia nut

Quids in- To be 'in the money', usually a sign of success or a win

R.S.L.- Returned Services League-Social club, good place to play pool or have a counter lunch

Rabbit- An idiot

Rabbit's ears- Indoor television aerial

Racehorse- Thinly-rolled cigarette

Rack off- Go away, get lost!

Rafferty's Rules- Having no rules

Rage- To party on

Railway tracks- Braces on teeth

Rammies- Trousers

Rapt- Pleased

Rattler- A train

Redback- $20 note, red in colour

Rego- Registration

Rellies- Relatives

Retread- Person who returns to work after retiring

Ridgy-didge- Genuine, honest

Ring-in- An outsider, non-local or regular at a club or pub

Rip-snorter- An excellent thing

Ripper- Great!

Rissole- Nickname for an RSL Club

Road-train- Long semi-trailer used to transport livestock over great distances

Roids- Steroids

Rollie- Hand-rolled cigarette

Roo- Kangaroo

Root- To have intercourse

Rottie- Rottweiler dog

Rubber-necker- Tourist or nosey person

Rugged up- Dressed in warm clothes

Rugrat- Crawling baby

Salad Dodger- Overweight person

Saltie- Saltwater Crocodile

Salvo- Salvation Army worker

Sandgroper- Person from West Australia State

Sanger- Sandwich

Sarky- Sarcastic

Schoolies' Week- End-of-school parties, especially held at the Gold Coast;
usually = fun/trouble!

Schooner- Glass of beer, 425ml in NSW/ACT,NT & WA

Scratchie- Instant lottery ticket

Semi- Semi-trailer

Seppo- American (Septic tank = yank)

Servo- Service, gas station

Sheila- General slang term for an Aussie female

Shoot through- Leave (especially husband walking out on wife)

Shout- Round of beer/drinks

Shrapnel- Small change, coins

Shufti- Have a look

Sickie- Paid day off work, usually not due to illness; "I'm gonna chucka sickie tomorra"

Singlet- Sleeveless t-shirt or vest

Slab- Tray of beer, usually 24 cans

Sleep-out- Rear porch of house converted to extra bedroom

Smoko- Workbreak, to have a cigarette, or cup of tea/coffee

Snag- Sausage

Snakey- Irritable

Sook- Crybaby

Spag Bog/Bol- Spaghetti Bolognaise

Sparrow's fart- Dawn

Special- Discounted item in a store

Speedos- Men's swimming pants

Spewing- Very upset, really mad! (also vomit)

Spit the dummy- Uncontrollably upset

Spunky- Good-looking,'hot'!

Sprogs- Offspring, children

Squiz- Have a look at

Station- Large outback farm

Stickybeak-Nosey person

Stinger- Box jellyfish

Stormstick- Umbrella

Straight-up- Truthful, honest

Strife- Trouble

Struth- Exclaimation "Struth mate!" from God's truth

Stubbies- Men's shorts or bottles of beer

Stubby Holder- Insulated holder to keep beer cool

Stuffed- Worn out, tired

Sucked in- Duped, conned

Sunnies- Sunglasses

Swan a trip- All-expenses paid trip, common amongst politicans!

T.A.B.- Totalisator Agency Board - betting shop

Tall poppy- Successful person in a particular field

Tanti- Tantrum

Tassie- Tasmania

Techie- Technician

Technicolour Yawn- To vomit

The Alice- Alice Springs, Northern Territory

The Gong- City of Wollongong,New South Wales

Thingie- To be sensitive or in an odd mood

Thingo- The word you substitute the name of something or someone you've forgotten!

Thongs- Rubber sandals, flip-flops

Thunderbox- Toilet

TimTam- Chocolate sandwich biscuit, coated in chocolate. YUM!

Tinnie- Can of beer, or aluminium boat

Tinnie fish- Beer drunk (caught!) on a fishing trip

Toey- Nervous

Togs- Swimsuit

Tomato- Cricket ball

Top-ender- Person who lives at the top end of the Northern Territory

Trackie-daks- Tracksuit trousers

Treadly- Bicycle

Troppo- Slighty mad, from being in the sun too long

Truckie- Truck driver

True blue- Genuinely Australian

Tub- Bath, but also refers to shower

Tucker- Food

Tucker chute- Mouth

Twisties- Cheese-flavoured twisted-shaped snack food

Two-up- Gambling game involving throwing two coins in the air from a holder

U-ie- U-turn

Uggies- Ugg boots-sheepskin boots or slippers (UGly! 'daggy'!)(surf boots in Westcoast USA)

Undies- Underwear

Unit- Flat/condominium/apartment

Unreal!- Excellent!

Up yourself- Inflated ego

Ute- Utility van with tray top, used by tradesmen (pick-up truck)

Vegemite- Yeast spread; An acquired taste, useful hangover cure!

Veg out- Relax, lie like vegetables (usually in front of the TV!)

Vegies- Vegetables

Vego- Vegetarian

Vinnie's- St. Vincent de Paul charity shop

Violet Crumble- Chocolate-coated honeycomb bar

Walkabout- Disappeared, gone on long walk

Westie- Person from Western suburbs of Sydney

Wharfie- Dock-worker

Whinge- Complain (Usually of 'whingin' Poms'!)

Whole kit and kaboodle- Got it all, everything's included

Windbag- Chatterbox or moaner

Windies- West Indian Cricket Team

Wing nut- Person with prominent ears

Wino- Alcoholic (usually found drinking cheap cask wine)

Within cooee- Close by, in hearing distance

Wog- An illness, such as the flu

Woop Woop- Back of beyond, middle of nowhere

Wowser- Killjoy, party pooper

Wrinklie- Old person

XXXX- Pronounced "Four-ex" not "ex-ex-ex-ex!" Famous Qld beer

Yabber- Chat

Yabbie- Crayfish

Yack- Vomit

Yahoo- Noisy, unruly person

Yakka- Hard work

Yarn- Have a chat, to tell a story

Yobbo- Loudmouth, uncouth person

Yodel- Vomit

You beaut- Wonderful!

Yucko- Something unpleasant

Yummo- Something pleasant

Zeds- Sleep; 'stack some Zzzz's'

Ziff- Beard

Zonked- Exhausted
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He has a few roos loose in the top paddock - Stupid

He couldn't lie straight in bed - Dishonest person, liar

I'm so hungry I could eat a horse and chase the jockey - Hungry

You've got a face like a wet weekend - Miserable

It's better than a poke in the eye with a burnt stick - Better than nothing

As scarce as rocking-horse manure - Rare

A few stubbies short of a six-pack - Stupid

Flat out like a lizard drinking - Busy

To bark at the lawn - To vomit

As useful as an ashtray on a motorbike - Useless

A snag short of a barbie - Stupid

He would talk a glass eye to sleep - Boring

Like a possum up a gumtree - Happy, in good spirits

As bright as a two-watt bulb - Stupid

As mad as a cut snake - Furious

A fair suck of the sav - A fair go
Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey! - Cold!

See your last guarantee - On the verge of death

He would bet on two flies walking up the wall - Compulsive gambler

If his brains were dynamite, he couldn't blow his hat off! - Stupid

Don't know the bloke from a bar of soap - A stranger

He couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery - Useless

He wouldn't know his arse from his elbow - Idiot

Happy as a boxing kangaroo in fog - Miserable

As useless as a glass door on a dunny - Useless

I could eat the crutch out of a low-flying duck - Hungry

So slow he couldn't get a job as a speed hump - Dull-witted person

As lively as a blowfly on a winter's day - Lethargic

He couldn't last a round in a revolving door - Weak

As useful as a one-legged man in an arse-kicking contest - Useless

My stomach thinks my throat's been cut - Hungry

As dry as a Pommie's towel - Dry

To feel like a Shag on a rock - Alone, deserted or left out.

Flash as a Rat with a gold tooth - Fancy, flash person, a showoff

To have tickets on oneself - Opinionated person, Egomaniac

all from
appreciated. my commander, king winny, would be proud of you.
mcbain, you should hook up with the kitten, shes from aus. too. i bet she gives great head.
You’re a fucking half wit you stupid Ozzie bastard. I didn’t see it fuckhole head.

You can’t be Ozzie, you sound like a wanker already

(don’t take offense)
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