yeah lots of cardio
and the bastards make you do loads of pushups so 48 hrs rest after a heavy day at the gym isnt always gonna haoppen depending on when you train
as for what style....i let somepne else handle that. generally i would havr thought in bouncing you wouldnt wanna strike the guy too much but just supress him and get him the fuck outta there i might be wrong
i have heard tae kwon do isnt as an effective art, but more of a sports thing. not sure, and i guess it depends on the instructor but i wouldnt. the same goes for kickbxing as well...some might be these type of kick aerobics things, swome might be actual nasty-ass kickboxing.
i know mu-thai is a nasty ass style as it incoporates kness and elbows a lot into the striking but they make you condition you body a lot (i.e. smashing shit into you to harden you up, it hurts!)....same for thai kickboxing......standard kickboxing you dont get that same conditioning.
Jeet kun do is said to be quite effective as it does away with the tradition of kung-fu but keeps its effectiveness and adds other arts (boxing etc) to make ot more effective, bruce lee invented it and when i get a bit better at kung fu, i may start doing it. it also incoporates grappling
aikido can be very spiritual ive heard, same with kung-fu. all depends on the instructor, my style advocates full contact sparring and is more effective than other kung-fu styles but still has sprirtual aspects
karate is cool, not sure of they do full contact sparring, my mate doesnt
ive heard good thinga bout brazillian ju-jitsu and shootfighting from another member (kwai-chump-change
)...apparently very effective
a lot of what you learn might not be practical on the street. a lot will. at the end of the day it depends on your instructor, how much he emphaisse chi focusing and shit and on you. giove them all a go and make your mind up, whos nice etc. i cant stand an overly harsh guy for instace who just barks orders like the bad guy in K.Kid I.....a guy like miyagi is better