Does something like this that works really exist? Is it permanent? I wonder if you'd have to keep taking it for the rest of your life or else it shrinks up...
Yeah I'm pretty sure that besides Phalloplasty, nothing works. It's basic biology: you can't get tissue to grow in such a localized area. Those pills are BS. Sorry.
In phalloplasty they usually cut the tendons that hold part of the penis in the pelvic cavity, so it gains usually an inch or two.
Oh and before you all think I had this done, I want to say I know this cuz I'm premed and want to go into plastic surgery.
If there was something that actually worked, don't you think the entire world would know about it? That's not something that is going to be kept a secret. Keep watching Good Morning America. When you see Katie Couric sucking off a 12 incher, that's when you'll know it's real.