New member
I appears that in my solo training I have been "cheating" while squatting by leaning my back too far forward so I end up doing a semi-good-morning. My new coach pointed out that this was dangerous once I started I be able to ramp the weight up and has me on a max of 30kg (65lbs or so) until my form improves. So far so good, have to agree there.
Now, he has me doing the squats recruiting both the quads and the hams, glutes etc. My glutes are sore this morning, my quads are not, so I guess I'm getting the hand of it.
Several questions - I have terrible trouble not leaning forward with weights above 30kg. But, I can friggin BENCH sets of 8 with more than 30kg. I think there are several possibilities for error (note this is a powerlifting squat, not bodybuilding) - I'm asking you folks what is likely. I can get the descent perfect - but coming back up, I have this tendency to end up leaning forward without pushing my traps and head back into the bar like I should. It's like I'm too far forward before I realise it.
I think my possible error points are -
1) total lack of quad strength. All those sprints and plyometrics in martial arts training have built up my hams and glutes nicely but I have weakling quads. Hency a tendency t over-recruit the glutes and hams over the quads, DL-style, instead of working both lots equally. I plan to address this by doing accessory work for the quads with lighter squats with the feet very very close together after my main squats. I am working the glutes and hams doing 1-leg squats holding dumbells with the free leg resting on a bench, and squatting right down - o when I come back up I really really feel it in my glutes. We don't have a glute ham raise and I'm not yet strong enough to do these on the floor.
2) bad reflex of leaning foward as I'm not used to having the weight in over my heels as opposed to my toes. I think endless practice with light weights will teach me this.
Is there a tendency to try to recruit the back muscles by leaning forward in "cheating" squatters, and am I unintentionally doing this, or is this tendency just a balance thing?
3) I find concentrating on pushing my knees out and pulling hips in (like in the DL) on ascent helps as well - however, do I need to keep the leg muscles clenched tight throughout the movement, or just the core? I know that in karate we are advised for speed purposes to keep the muscle doing the speed work as relaxed as possible. I understand the need for a tight core - and letting this flop a bit is also part of my problem - do I also need to keep the legs tight?
I know about keeping my elbows under the bar and squeezing the bar between my traps and arms.
I am prepared to squat light for as long as necessary to get my form right. I know I post endless queries on this site, and take up way too much bandwidth, but the advice I get here is REALLY helpful.
Now, he has me doing the squats recruiting both the quads and the hams, glutes etc. My glutes are sore this morning, my quads are not, so I guess I'm getting the hand of it.
Several questions - I have terrible trouble not leaning forward with weights above 30kg. But, I can friggin BENCH sets of 8 with more than 30kg. I think there are several possibilities for error (note this is a powerlifting squat, not bodybuilding) - I'm asking you folks what is likely. I can get the descent perfect - but coming back up, I have this tendency to end up leaning forward without pushing my traps and head back into the bar like I should. It's like I'm too far forward before I realise it.
I think my possible error points are -
1) total lack of quad strength. All those sprints and plyometrics in martial arts training have built up my hams and glutes nicely but I have weakling quads. Hency a tendency t over-recruit the glutes and hams over the quads, DL-style, instead of working both lots equally. I plan to address this by doing accessory work for the quads with lighter squats with the feet very very close together after my main squats. I am working the glutes and hams doing 1-leg squats holding dumbells with the free leg resting on a bench, and squatting right down - o when I come back up I really really feel it in my glutes. We don't have a glute ham raise and I'm not yet strong enough to do these on the floor.
2) bad reflex of leaning foward as I'm not used to having the weight in over my heels as opposed to my toes. I think endless practice with light weights will teach me this.
Is there a tendency to try to recruit the back muscles by leaning forward in "cheating" squatters, and am I unintentionally doing this, or is this tendency just a balance thing?
3) I find concentrating on pushing my knees out and pulling hips in (like in the DL) on ascent helps as well - however, do I need to keep the leg muscles clenched tight throughout the movement, or just the core? I know that in karate we are advised for speed purposes to keep the muscle doing the speed work as relaxed as possible. I understand the need for a tight core - and letting this flop a bit is also part of my problem - do I also need to keep the legs tight?
I know about keeping my elbows under the bar and squeezing the bar between my traps and arms.
I am prepared to squat light for as long as necessary to get my form right. I know I post endless queries on this site, and take up way too much bandwidth, but the advice I get here is REALLY helpful.