Week 11, Wednesday
Bodyweight: 79kg (174lb)
I ended up sticking with my usual format today rather than dropping down to 4 sets of each. I timed it - 1hr 20 mins, so not too bad, but longer than I'd like.
1. Light freeweight back squats (kg)
bar x 18 ....... warmup
40 x 9 .......... warmup
60 x 5
70 x 5
77.5 x 5 ....... up 2.5
77.5 x 5 ....... up 2.5
77.5 x 5 ....... up 2.5 ............ (170lb)
2. Deads (kg)
50 x 9 .......... warmup
75 x 5
85 x 5
100 x 5 ........ overhand
117.5 x 3 ..... mixed, quit at 3 reps
135 x 5 ........ 3 mixed, 2 strapped ..... (297lb) ....... PR, but not happy
3. Military Press (kg)
bar x 9 ......... warmup
31 x 5 .......... up 1
33.5 x 5 ....... up 1
36 x 5 .......... up 1
40 x 5 .......... up 2.5
45 x 5 .......... up 1.5 ................ (99lb) ......... PR!
4. Pullups
BW x 5
BW x 4
BW x 3
BW x 3
BW x 2
= 17 reps, same as PR
I'm not happy.
The skin on my left hand fingers started pulling again on the 4th set of deads, so I quit after 3 reps because I didn't want to affect the final set. My grip felt lousy - the first rep was overhand and I nearly dropped it, so I switched to mixed but I still had a hard time. And that was only the 4th set.
On the 5th set I managed 3 reps but my grip (with chalk) wouldn't hold out, so I wrapped the straps around (started off with them dangling just in case). I only just managed the 4th rep, with a tiny hitch. I got the 5th rep, but only because I raised my chest as high as I could, which meant I could just about get my shoulders back (thanks BW for helping me identify this last week). There was a long pause before the 4th and 5th reps, so this was really more of a triple than 5 reps. I'm just not happy with it. I can't imagine trying to increase the weight next week.
Something else that's affecting me is that I'm trying not to make a big racket because I've converted my dining room into my gym and I actually rent this house from the next door neighbour - I don't want them coming round asking what all the noise is and finding out what a mess I've made of their house! I know, it's silly, but it's on my mind and trying to lower the weights under control and put them down semi-gently when I've got about 6 very loose iron plates on the bar doesn't help. I know injuries are just as likely when lowering on deads, so I really want to put the bar down quick.
Military press was good. Very hard, but it was a pretty big jump today. I was at 40kg 4 weeks ago, so that's a 12.5% improvement in 4 weeks!
Pullups, I should have done 4 reps on the third set, or at least got 3 reps on the final set, then I'd have done one more rep than last week in total. Ah well, today is the first time I've ever done 5 reps, so I guess that's a record in itself.
No sign of the mystery injury from Monday, so I was probably worrying about nothing.
I'm becoming annoyed at the amount of fat I've put on. Not just because I've put it on, but because of how long it's going to take to take it off again. I've taken 11 weeks to come this far, but if it takes another 11 weeks to take the fat off to get back to the level of fat I had when I started, then in real terms, my gains will have taken twice as long to realise. I'm prepared to accept the fat I have at the moment, but I really don't want to put on any more. The trouble is I need to eat to gain more muscle, so I'll inevitably put on a little more fat, even if I add cardio or reduce the calories a bit. I don't know what to do. I don't really want to cut now because I'm enjoying the gains. Maybe I should cut for 5-6 weeks, just to cut the fat down a bit, not all the way, then bulk again, but slower. I'd be very surprised if I was less than 20% BF at the moment.