I've definetly lost weight and inches doing the carb restriction diet. I've gone from 39 inch waist to just under 37 inches now. I'm satisfied with my look everywhere now but my stomach and love handles. I know the rule of first on last off when talking about body fat storage. When I flex my abs I can see my top four pretty well now, but the bottoms are still buried under fat. The fat I have is right on my belly button area and stretches clear around my body to my love handles like your standard spare tire area. It doesn't look that terrible but I want it all gone. Must I just keep restricting carbs and calories and doing HIIT until it all leaves. I'm worried about losing to much muscle but I know to keep protein levels high and continue doing compound heavy lifts in order to maintain as much lean mass as possible. It's just hard to see the weight lose happening and not be sure that it's just fat and not lean muscle. I'd just like some motivation or encouragement that complete fat lose is possible as long as you stick with a good diet plan and keep lifting hard.