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Anonymous Survey from Rutgers University NEEDS YOU to Help Dispel Steroid Myths

George Spellwin

The Architect
Staff member
Elite Moderator
<p>Did you know steroid use is shunned by the media and the general public by a stunning 9 to 1 margin in the United States?  This means that those who use anabolic steroids will continue being prosecuted and misunderstood UNLESS we do a better job of educating others about these powerful compounds and the people who use them.  The general public and media are ignorant about so much related to anabolics, and without accurate knowledge, they will continue to form unjustified negative opinions.   </p> <p><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Take the Rutgers University Survey" width="300" height="300" class="align-right" align="right"></a>Our friends at Rutgers University are taking things in their own hands and they need our help <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>doing a short 20-minute anonymous survey</strong></a>.  This group of researchers is interested in the role of performance-enhancing drugs (steroidal and nonsteroidal anabolics, ergogenics, thermogenics, anorexigents, and ancillary drugs) as well as exercise routine/diet, in the lives of those committed to the lifestyle of bodybuilding, powerlifting, or just plain 'gym rat'.  By participating in this survey you will help to open up the eyes of many by providing an objective look at the beneficial costs of all these compounds mentioned.  </p> <p>The Rutgers group has already completed a number of studies, which have dispelled some of the myths about anabolics, and a well-known and respected member of a discussion forum similar to this one leads the research group.  <strong><em>Again, this survey will only take you 20 minutes, and it is totally confidential.  No names, email addresses or other identifying information will be asked for.  </em></strong>You merely click and answer the questions, and will be doing the entire community a huge service after years of constant negative portrayals in the media.  </p> <p>Use this link to <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>take the anonymous survey right now and make our voices heard</strong></a>!</p> <p>And feel free to discuss the survey after you take it below.</p>
Interesting approach. May I ask, why the accent on questions regarding sexual identification? Was that the "real" focus of the questionaire? I had a teacher at Rutgers, MLS, who couldn't get through an hour of class without identifying as gay.

From doing security in American cities, and in England, I noticed some members of the gay community who tried to emulate the bodybuilder look with muscle T's and even working out. Just to make it clear, these individuals are copying bodybuilders, not the other way around.
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