kingjohn said:
Fonz -
Am i way off, but I thought you were experimenting w/ some injectible test?
Not yet, but soon.
The plan was to bridge with DNP, Primo and anavar
for 8 week then hit my Test cycle.
But then a bunch of us got in a massive discussion
regarding Anavars effects on muscle growth at
hypocaloric levels(Basically Decaman&myself
vs Ulter&Huck over at AF) so I decided to
cut my bridge 2 weeks short and only bridge for
6 weeks and use the other two for my Anavar
experiment mentioned above.
In the past I've done 100mg/day and 60mg/day cycles
and got results but at above-maintenance calories.
150mgs/day seems to be working but continuing
this dosage for longer than 2 weeks is just not viable
in financial terms.
Deca is still the perfect steroid for my physiology.
Anavar is definately Hucks. Lucky Bum.