RemaMD2B said:
Thanks for the helpful info Big Andy; I'll be sure to take what you said into consideration. What do you normally advise females at your gym to start off with? Do you think that Anavar would be my safest bet, or would you recommend something else? Also what kind of results can I expect? Thanks again.
I advise they use Clenbuterol first. It's not a steroid and has mostly temporary side effects. It can help you gain a little muscle mass and shed bodyfat. Some women were satisfied with the results and didn't go the anabolic route.
make sure you have a quality brand. (I suggest you do a search for Clen FAQ althought doses for women are different)
As far as steroids, you don't have that many choices (if you want to remain feminine)
I've already gone through anavar, here's the rest
Primo is a great AS for women but it is the most highly faked. Primo Tabs by Schering however have not been faked so they are a good choice. Primo Depot (injectable) forget it unless you have it tested. It's also slow acting and can stay in your system a long time so you can't just drop it like tabs. Realistically, primo is not an option for most people.
Winny is great because of it's availabillity. Problem is, it's hit and miss, some women do great on it, other end up sounding like Barry White. Winny Depot (zambon) is a bad choice because it tends to stay a long time in the body(again can't drop it fast if side effects creep up) 2mg zambon tabs are best or 5mg British Dispensary tabs. Start with 4-5mg and work your way up to 8mg a day and up to 12-15mg.
Sides should be monitored everyday and watch for things like increased facial hair, enlarged clitoris, shrinking of breasts, lost of hair, deepening of the voice. (especially on winny)
Cycles should be kept at 2-4 weeks a piece, no post cycle therapy is necessary
Next lesson we will learn about more advanced drugs like T3/T4, NPP and Nolvadex(dangerous!) in women :