When the low carb craze began to set in on a wide scale I was very saddened for the reason that I personally feel that a diet that is low in refined carbohydrates and emphasizes lean proteins and fats is really the optimal way of eating. We evolved on the meat and fish we hunted, the leafy greens we found, the berries and nuts we picked and that was about it. It is no wonder that nearly all of us find that we are lean and ripped when we do not eat the products of man such as white breads and pastries, soda, hydrogenated fats, etc.
So when low carb became so widely publicized it worried me because anytime anything becomes too popular too quickly with too wide a group of diverse people, there are bound to be obscurities and unfavorable accounts and then the entire approach is criticized as being poor or ineffective. Look what happened to ephedra? A couple of knuckleheads approached the "if one pill is good then 20 should be even better" approach and had "suprising" ill effects and died. I could die from Cough medicine if I took too much of that. You see my point.
The current approaches such as Atkins and South Beach, etc. are for people who are already far from an optimal body and therefore these diets need to be extreme, extreme meaning very low carbohyrdate. Extreme don't ever fair well with such a large group of people and especially among the critics who love to jump on bandwagons and criticise extreme approaches.
Bottom line is that finally the American public got close to the truth but because they are so horribly conditioned to consuming the shit products of man they do not follow the approaches properly and then blame it on the diet rather than themselves. Someone has to take the blame and god forbid that any of us ever take the blame.. "it's genetics, its not my fault, I never knew MacDonalds was bad for me.." that kind of shit makes me nuts.
Anyhow the biggest problem is not so much what diet to use but rather the lack of informed persons. The theory or rather the evidence behind reduced carbohyrdate diets is sound in that when one lowers the severe insulin production and circulation lipolysis can occur and thus resulting in fat loss. This is no mystery, we already knew this. However, telling someone how to loss weight and explaining why they lose weight are too different things. Those who are truly informed or rather cared enough to discover why the way they eat actually works will continue to live a lifestyle emphasizing meats, veggies, fruit and nuts. But people must realize that anything worth doing is never going to be easy and for many people manufactured foods are like drugs which they are addicted too...
But as anthrax said,
What's next?
Maybe the best diet ever will come along "The Information Diet" where you can "eat" as much as you want. Only then will people be able to manipulate their bodies and lives the way they want and get the results they seek.