New member
I am considering starting my first ever cycle and what's available to me is Winstrol Depot. I know very little about AS and seek advice from women who have used it. I have read most of the posts on this board about Winstrol and it seems that the sides depend on dosage and individual reactions. I'm posting my stats in hopes that those of you who are more experienced and educated can give me some practical advice.
My History:
Weight training naturally for 8+ years. Started competing last year and won in the natural circuit. Came in runner up in NPC circuit.
What I want from this cycle:
To get only slightly bigger, harder, leaner so I can compete and win in nondrug tested events.
How I look now:
5ft 7in, 140lbs, 15% bf--offseason
128-130lbs, 10% bf competition weight
I naturally have very high levels of testosterone as evidenced in my easy ability to gain mass (fat and lean!), naturally have chin hairs, belly hair and started losing my hair around age 22 (it's stopped since-I'm 27). When I compete I have the body everyone says is only attainable with the use of AS, even though this will be my first ever cycle. I'd say I'm an endo/ecto mix body type. Naturally I have huge shoulders, an excellent V Taper and great symmetry. People have compared me to a cross between Corey Everson and Rachel McLinsh. My musculature is like Arnold's, you don't see it unless I flex.
My diet:
Just started 3 weeks ago...
A carb cycle of 50 grams for 3 days and 200 g for 3 days. Protein remains constant at 1.5 g per lb of body weight. Sodium is kept below 1.5g per day as I tend to retain water. I eat 7 to 12 times a day and have an ultra fast metabolism. Guilty of not drinking enough water.
My Training:
Right now its varied. I alternate each week. One week will be heavy basic moves of 6 to 8 reps and the next will be higher reps, isolated movements of 12 to 15 with light weight. I superset on the light weight weeks.
Cardio is run on empty stomach 3 miles every morning and then 30 to 45 min after my weight training only on high carb days.
I train my hard areas twice a week and areas I'm happy with only once. I workout 6 days wk.
I make my own ECA stack (60mg E, 200mg C) which I'm getting off of because my adrenals need the rest. I did Nor-Teck Andro Stack last year for a couple of cycles and at first had some gains in size but by the end of my 3rd cycle results were slim. I think I have every vitamin, fat burner, creatine, glycine, etc in my kitchen but am not using anything other than vitamins currently.
I'm planning on starting with 50mg or less of injectable Winny per week. However, as I'm already high in testosterone should I start lower?
If I start getting undesirable sides like deeper voice if I stop will the effects stop/go away too?
Are the results obtained kept with proper diet and training?
How do you come off Winny?
Should initial doses be smaller and then gradually increase and then taper off before the cycle ends, allowing the body's normal hormones to adjust?
Can you really drink Winny and get the same results as injecting it? Would you have to take it sublingually and not actually drink it since HCl in the stomach could possible destroy it?
If anyone has any research sites they can refer me to as well I'd appreciate that. (I've already been to PubMed.) It seems difficult to find dosage info, results, effects of Winny used by women.
Humm...I hope I've posted enough personal info to get some good feedback. I do have pics I send if your really interested in my charity case.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and respond. Your words of wisdom are much appreciated!
My History:
Weight training naturally for 8+ years. Started competing last year and won in the natural circuit. Came in runner up in NPC circuit.
What I want from this cycle:
To get only slightly bigger, harder, leaner so I can compete and win in nondrug tested events.
How I look now:
5ft 7in, 140lbs, 15% bf--offseason
128-130lbs, 10% bf competition weight
I naturally have very high levels of testosterone as evidenced in my easy ability to gain mass (fat and lean!), naturally have chin hairs, belly hair and started losing my hair around age 22 (it's stopped since-I'm 27). When I compete I have the body everyone says is only attainable with the use of AS, even though this will be my first ever cycle. I'd say I'm an endo/ecto mix body type. Naturally I have huge shoulders, an excellent V Taper and great symmetry. People have compared me to a cross between Corey Everson and Rachel McLinsh. My musculature is like Arnold's, you don't see it unless I flex.
My diet:
Just started 3 weeks ago...
A carb cycle of 50 grams for 3 days and 200 g for 3 days. Protein remains constant at 1.5 g per lb of body weight. Sodium is kept below 1.5g per day as I tend to retain water. I eat 7 to 12 times a day and have an ultra fast metabolism. Guilty of not drinking enough water.
My Training:
Right now its varied. I alternate each week. One week will be heavy basic moves of 6 to 8 reps and the next will be higher reps, isolated movements of 12 to 15 with light weight. I superset on the light weight weeks.
Cardio is run on empty stomach 3 miles every morning and then 30 to 45 min after my weight training only on high carb days.
I train my hard areas twice a week and areas I'm happy with only once. I workout 6 days wk.
I make my own ECA stack (60mg E, 200mg C) which I'm getting off of because my adrenals need the rest. I did Nor-Teck Andro Stack last year for a couple of cycles and at first had some gains in size but by the end of my 3rd cycle results were slim. I think I have every vitamin, fat burner, creatine, glycine, etc in my kitchen but am not using anything other than vitamins currently.
I'm planning on starting with 50mg or less of injectable Winny per week. However, as I'm already high in testosterone should I start lower?
If I start getting undesirable sides like deeper voice if I stop will the effects stop/go away too?
Are the results obtained kept with proper diet and training?
How do you come off Winny?
Should initial doses be smaller and then gradually increase and then taper off before the cycle ends, allowing the body's normal hormones to adjust?
Can you really drink Winny and get the same results as injecting it? Would you have to take it sublingually and not actually drink it since HCl in the stomach could possible destroy it?
If anyone has any research sites they can refer me to as well I'd appreciate that. (I've already been to PubMed.) It seems difficult to find dosage info, results, effects of Winny used by women.
Humm...I hope I've posted enough personal info to get some good feedback. I do have pics I send if your really interested in my charity case.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and respond. Your words of wisdom are much appreciated!