Hi, here is the layout for my cycle and this is my first cycle, and im in the 5th week:
Week 1-5 Test E 500mg
week 1-5 Dbol 30mg for 4 weeks and last week 40mg
Week 6-12 Sust 400 800mg per week(This is done because my friend suggested this as to shock the body?)
AI - adex
ostarine - frontload 25mg 2 week before PCT, and 12.5mg the next 3 weeks. (I used this to maintain or hold the gain)
18 days after last pin - nolva 100mg day 1 and 60mg for 7 day and 40mg for another 7 day ( or should i taper it 60mg to 40mg and 40mg to 20mg?)
Week 1-5 Test E 500mg
week 1-5 Dbol 30mg for 4 weeks and last week 40mg
Week 6-12 Sust 400 800mg per week(This is done because my friend suggested this as to shock the body?)
AI - adex
ostarine - frontload 25mg 2 week before PCT, and 12.5mg the next 3 weeks. (I used this to maintain or hold the gain)
18 days after last pin - nolva 100mg day 1 and 60mg for 7 day and 40mg for another 7 day ( or should i taper it 60mg to 40mg and 40mg to 20mg?)