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This is a cycle I will try. It’s a bit of mixing and matching of what I have done before. I have run quite a number of cycles; I’m no spring pigeon exactly, but I live in a very rare place in this world, hence, I have had a limited supply of gear. It’s now been alleviated, but still SARM’s and so on, are impossible to get.
Tren Ace 100 mg EOD
Test Prop 70 mg EOD
Master Prop 50 mg EOD
Anavar 20 mg ED
Winny 10 mg ED
IGF 100 mcg ED
HGH 6 iu ED (5 days per week)
HCG/HMG 150 IU ED (as needed)
Clomid 50 mg ED (as needed)
Nolvadex 20 mg EOD (as needed)
Cabergoline 1 mcg/2xweek
Vit B6-B12 30mg,30ug ED
This is a cycle designed for cutting. I will go a bit low on calories, but with emphasis on protein intake. Low fat, low carbs, high protein. I adjust throughout the cycle somewhat the amounts. If I have some issues, like low libido, I increase prop, decrease tren.
My goal is to put on muscles, while decrease body fat from my current 12% to 6%. My last season got spoiled with injuries, such as a severe muscle tear in my lumbars. Thus, the IGF and HGH is there to help with muscle tears (supposedly).
To stop atrophy in it’s tracks, I use the HCG and Clomid, Nolvadex is there as it have, in some references, shown that it will see to that the HCG will remain effective for a longer duration (permanently?). Nolvadex lowers IGF levels, so exogenous IGF is taken. Tren also boost greatly IGF and thus it more than offsets the Nolvadex suppression. Furthermore, articles have shown that IGF actually makes the testes fuller while taking it. There are few articles on it, but at least one scholarly article demonstrated this fact. Since we use IGF, the IGF/HGH combo is supposedly better that the 1+1 effect; rather 1+1=3. HGH will also help to burn fat, which is the desired effect of this cycle.
Clomid is added as well; It does have an effect on FSH, which stimulates the testes to produce sperm. Tren is heavily suppressive on that aspect, and hence, Clomid will assist in keeping the testes producing sperm. It also exerts its action differently than Nolva, and again, is anecdotally proven to reduce atrophy while on cycle.
Will cycle IGF 4 weeks on, 4 weeks off. While off cycle and into PCT, will use metformin. Why? Metformin helps to de-attenuate the langerhans islets in the pancreas. For the uninitiated: It’s basically to get your insulin system to work like normal again. IGF and HGH can cause insulin resistance; and hence, the metformin will counter this.
Since Tren in particular increase progesterone levels, I did add Cabergoline to the mix. Caber helps to mitigate this particular nasty.
I will run this cycle for about 10 weeks, +-2 weeks. When I feel the feedback effects, I will stop it, and clean out, and then start PCT.
If I have severe atrophy, I will kickstart it with HMG or HCG (cant always get HMG). I will do 300 IU/day, 5 days first, wait 2 days and then see if I need more, repeat if so.
I will then run clomid + nolva at the following schedule:
First 3 days: 100 mg + 60 mg.
Week 1: 50 mg + 40 mg per day
Week 2: 50 mg + 40 mg
Week 3: 50 mg + 20 mg
Week 4 50 mg + 20 mg.
Through PCT: IGF + Vitamin E at 1000 IU’s.
continue a week more if needed.
I would love to add Ostarine or similar stuff, but I can’t get a hold of any where I live.
I would like to hear comments on my cycle. Any additions, tweaks and so on, greatly appreciated. I self-design my cycles, as I live, well, in the true boondocks of the world. It’s a costly cycle; and I am aware the cost of HGH is great for the effect; but for this, I’m not cost aware; just want to design the perfect cycle for cutting with strength and muscle increases at the same time, no matter the cost.
Tren Ace 100 mg EOD
Test Prop 70 mg EOD
Master Prop 50 mg EOD
Anavar 20 mg ED
Winny 10 mg ED
IGF 100 mcg ED
HGH 6 iu ED (5 days per week)
HCG/HMG 150 IU ED (as needed)
Clomid 50 mg ED (as needed)
Nolvadex 20 mg EOD (as needed)
Cabergoline 1 mcg/2xweek
Vit B6-B12 30mg,30ug ED
This is a cycle designed for cutting. I will go a bit low on calories, but with emphasis on protein intake. Low fat, low carbs, high protein. I adjust throughout the cycle somewhat the amounts. If I have some issues, like low libido, I increase prop, decrease tren.
My goal is to put on muscles, while decrease body fat from my current 12% to 6%. My last season got spoiled with injuries, such as a severe muscle tear in my lumbars. Thus, the IGF and HGH is there to help with muscle tears (supposedly).
To stop atrophy in it’s tracks, I use the HCG and Clomid, Nolvadex is there as it have, in some references, shown that it will see to that the HCG will remain effective for a longer duration (permanently?). Nolvadex lowers IGF levels, so exogenous IGF is taken. Tren also boost greatly IGF and thus it more than offsets the Nolvadex suppression. Furthermore, articles have shown that IGF actually makes the testes fuller while taking it. There are few articles on it, but at least one scholarly article demonstrated this fact. Since we use IGF, the IGF/HGH combo is supposedly better that the 1+1 effect; rather 1+1=3. HGH will also help to burn fat, which is the desired effect of this cycle.
Clomid is added as well; It does have an effect on FSH, which stimulates the testes to produce sperm. Tren is heavily suppressive on that aspect, and hence, Clomid will assist in keeping the testes producing sperm. It also exerts its action differently than Nolva, and again, is anecdotally proven to reduce atrophy while on cycle.
Will cycle IGF 4 weeks on, 4 weeks off. While off cycle and into PCT, will use metformin. Why? Metformin helps to de-attenuate the langerhans islets in the pancreas. For the uninitiated: It’s basically to get your insulin system to work like normal again. IGF and HGH can cause insulin resistance; and hence, the metformin will counter this.
Since Tren in particular increase progesterone levels, I did add Cabergoline to the mix. Caber helps to mitigate this particular nasty.
I will run this cycle for about 10 weeks, +-2 weeks. When I feel the feedback effects, I will stop it, and clean out, and then start PCT.
If I have severe atrophy, I will kickstart it with HMG or HCG (cant always get HMG). I will do 300 IU/day, 5 days first, wait 2 days and then see if I need more, repeat if so.
I will then run clomid + nolva at the following schedule:
First 3 days: 100 mg + 60 mg.
Week 1: 50 mg + 40 mg per day
Week 2: 50 mg + 40 mg
Week 3: 50 mg + 20 mg
Week 4 50 mg + 20 mg.
Through PCT: IGF + Vitamin E at 1000 IU’s.
continue a week more if needed.
I would love to add Ostarine or similar stuff, but I can’t get a hold of any where I live.
I would like to hear comments on my cycle. Any additions, tweaks and so on, greatly appreciated. I self-design my cycles, as I live, well, in the true boondocks of the world. It’s a costly cycle; and I am aware the cost of HGH is great for the effect; but for this, I’m not cost aware; just want to design the perfect cycle for cutting with strength and muscle increases at the same time, no matter the cost.