200g wild sole, 2 carrot sticks, 2 celery sticks, a big mushroom and a @muscletech mission1 bar...not shown is after taking the photo I covered the sole with enough mustard and hot sauce to feed a small village ��
Works out to roughly 60g protein, 40g carbs, 10g fat
I don't normally eat protein bars but my friend bought me one so I threw it in there for a treat. Normally I would have 50g oatmeal + 10g chia seeds + 30g whey isolate with this meal instead of the protein bar.

Most of my meal macros work out to around 60g protein, 60-80g carbs and 10g fat. I lower the carbs in my pre-bed meal a little bit.

Works out to roughly 60g protein, 40g carbs, 10g fat
I don't normally eat protein bars but my friend bought me one so I threw it in there for a treat. Normally I would have 50g oatmeal + 10g chia seeds + 30g whey isolate with this meal instead of the protein bar.

Most of my meal macros work out to around 60g protein, 60-80g carbs and 10g fat. I lower the carbs in my pre-bed meal a little bit.