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Ok I have been following this bodybuilder for a while. Hes gotten huge over the years. He competes, and may even make this his career. He seems very smart and his results speak for them self. This video is 2 years old and he is huge now, he still stands by that video.
I have always heard that Testosterone is the begginner cycle. From Natural>500mg Test. I always thought that was a big leap, and wanted to start smaller. But after research from forums I always got the same answers. PH's sides are terrible, shut you down, for a fraction of the results. Oral cycles, are pointless, winny will kill your sex drive, and suppress your testosterone. He however claims that noobies should not jump right to test, see video.
Below are some comments that he has posted.
"not for a beginner man, you wont put someone who barely knows how to drive in a mercedes. why do you think a lot of amateurs peak so early? because their first cycle is test, the receptors get used to something strong, its all about taking it step by step, if you do 500 grams a week, next cycle, you'd have to go to 750. then what? 1000 on your third cycle? if you start winny tablets for your first cycle, at 50 mg a day, second cycle, you could add primobolan, and thats how it goes..."
"4 weeks of oral winstrol for example, with a very strict diet, and training routine, yes, you will see incredible results. "
"i might be mastering in endocrinology next year since ive been independently studying steroids and endocrinology for 3 years, and ive designed dozens of cycles to dozens of people. "
"depends on what you use, different testosterones cause different sides, the safest thing to use for a first timer would be primobolan. my opinion. you could an an oral to that, like stanozolol or anavar to the last 4 weeks of the 8 week cycle.
"i never use a PH more than 3 or 4 weeks, and in that case, they rarely turn into estrogen or affect ur natural test production. the only shitty side effect is the stress on the liver, but id take that over messing with my hormones from anabolic steroids. at least for now."
Today I was also reading a bit of Bottom Line Bodybuilding by Nelson Montana, which in it he also seems to claim that starting small is the way to go. Short brief 3 week cycles.
So Im starting to really believe that 500mg of Test E as a first cycle may not be the wisest choice. I have been working out for 3 years. I went from 152lbs 13.5"arms 12%bf 5'10 to 230lbs, 19"arms pumped probably 18% bf 5'10, still visible sick pack. I imagine ill be at 210lbs when I cut back to 12%. I am 100% natural, the only thing I have taken in 3 years is creatine mono, multi, protein powder.
I feel its time for me to take the next step soon. I was wondering what is your opinion on what a first ever cycle should look for someone like me.
I have always heard that Testosterone is the begginner cycle. From Natural>500mg Test. I always thought that was a big leap, and wanted to start smaller. But after research from forums I always got the same answers. PH's sides are terrible, shut you down, for a fraction of the results. Oral cycles, are pointless, winny will kill your sex drive, and suppress your testosterone. He however claims that noobies should not jump right to test, see video.
Below are some comments that he has posted.
"not for a beginner man, you wont put someone who barely knows how to drive in a mercedes. why do you think a lot of amateurs peak so early? because their first cycle is test, the receptors get used to something strong, its all about taking it step by step, if you do 500 grams a week, next cycle, you'd have to go to 750. then what? 1000 on your third cycle? if you start winny tablets for your first cycle, at 50 mg a day, second cycle, you could add primobolan, and thats how it goes..."
"4 weeks of oral winstrol for example, with a very strict diet, and training routine, yes, you will see incredible results. "
"i might be mastering in endocrinology next year since ive been independently studying steroids and endocrinology for 3 years, and ive designed dozens of cycles to dozens of people. "
"depends on what you use, different testosterones cause different sides, the safest thing to use for a first timer would be primobolan. my opinion. you could an an oral to that, like stanozolol or anavar to the last 4 weeks of the 8 week cycle.
"i never use a PH more than 3 or 4 weeks, and in that case, they rarely turn into estrogen or affect ur natural test production. the only shitty side effect is the stress on the liver, but id take that over messing with my hormones from anabolic steroids. at least for now."
Today I was also reading a bit of Bottom Line Bodybuilding by Nelson Montana, which in it he also seems to claim that starting small is the way to go. Short brief 3 week cycles.
So Im starting to really believe that 500mg of Test E as a first cycle may not be the wisest choice. I have been working out for 3 years. I went from 152lbs 13.5"arms 12%bf 5'10 to 230lbs, 19"arms pumped probably 18% bf 5'10, still visible sick pack. I imagine ill be at 210lbs when I cut back to 12%. I am 100% natural, the only thing I have taken in 3 years is creatine mono, multi, protein powder.
I feel its time for me to take the next step soon. I was wondering what is your opinion on what a first ever cycle should look for someone like me.