New member
I been reading these forums for over 3 years now, and alot of you are good people that take the time and effort to help out us unfortunate ones. So please bear with me, this will be long, painful and truthful. I am in tears as I right this.
Where do I begin???
Well I am 30 years old, and just lost my job yesterday because I failed the physical at the doctor's office. My blood pressure is 155 over 99, 112 heartbeats per second. I am 6 feet 1 inch tall, weight 268 pounds. Been diagnosed with high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. Great way to start my mid-life with all these problems.
Doctor suggests I lose weight, and quick. But theres another problem I have, I have sleep apnea. I can never get a full nights rest. I always wake up tired and hungry. People say to get the CPAP machine or to get surgery, which I was going to, but now I have no job and no health benefits. I won't be able to afford the machine or surgery.
I have been trying to lose weight for the past 7-8 years, I've done nothing but gain weight, I have been averaging around 15 pounds over the past 8 years.
It gets a worse. People say to eat more fruits and veggies, which I agree. But ever since I was an infant I would eat fruits and veggies, just to throw it up in a matter a seconds. To this day I can only eat them blended up with water and ice or juiced.
Later on today I have an appointment with another doctor to find out if I am depressed or not. I gonna go ahead and say YES to. I just lost all desire and will power to even try anymore. 8 years of failing would take a toll on just about anyone.
I need help and guidance, but I can't afford $100 per hour
I am at a lost for words. I don't know what to do or say.
If you read this, I appreciate it, you at least took the time out of your day to listen to some shmucks problems.
Where do I begin???
Well I am 30 years old, and just lost my job yesterday because I failed the physical at the doctor's office. My blood pressure is 155 over 99, 112 heartbeats per second. I am 6 feet 1 inch tall, weight 268 pounds. Been diagnosed with high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. Great way to start my mid-life with all these problems.
Doctor suggests I lose weight, and quick. But theres another problem I have, I have sleep apnea. I can never get a full nights rest. I always wake up tired and hungry. People say to get the CPAP machine or to get surgery, which I was going to, but now I have no job and no health benefits. I won't be able to afford the machine or surgery.
I have been trying to lose weight for the past 7-8 years, I've done nothing but gain weight, I have been averaging around 15 pounds over the past 8 years.
It gets a worse. People say to eat more fruits and veggies, which I agree. But ever since I was an infant I would eat fruits and veggies, just to throw it up in a matter a seconds. To this day I can only eat them blended up with water and ice or juiced.
Later on today I have an appointment with another doctor to find out if I am depressed or not. I gonna go ahead and say YES to. I just lost all desire and will power to even try anymore. 8 years of failing would take a toll on just about anyone.
I need help and guidance, but I can't afford $100 per hour
I am at a lost for words. I don't know what to do or say.
If you read this, I appreciate it, you at least took the time out of your day to listen to some shmucks problems.