from his website
"Scot Mendelson ranks as the number one bench pressers of the world. This September he hopes to become top dog with the first official 800-pound push in powerlifting history. And it's well within his capabilities. At this year's Arnold Expo 33-year-old Scot rammed up 755 like it was 225! Two weeks later, he did the same with 766 in Alberta, Canada.
Scot began bench pressing in the early 90s. He stopped once he got married… had to get a career going so he went to NYU and after graduating he began again and won the USPF California State Championships. And didn't start up again until 2000. "I was sitting in a deli with my wife looking at a powerlifting magazine," and I said, "Hey, the California State Championships is this weekend!" My wife asked if I was in shape. "Well, I'm benching about 620 raw. I hadn't kept up with the sport. I thought the top guys would be benching 800 already! So, anyway, I went, won, and dropped 584 onto my chest along the way. That was wonderful." He said.
"I was a wrestler, boxer, and played baseball and football as a kid. But my gift has always been strength and power. At 21 I benched 620 pounds raw (no shirt). I began training with weights at about 15."
" I can squat a thousand pounds, but my gift is the bench press. That's the lift I'm concentrating on...What's impressive is an 800-pound bench, and that's what I'll do September 7 at the WPO Bash For Cash in Daytona, Florida!"