New member
I am new to the board so, "hello to everyone." Any ways I have a few questions and need some motivating words. I just started competing in fitness, I won my first show and have my next ones planned. I had a trainer that had me take Clen for my first show and I had a bad rebound off it after my show. I was flawless on my diet for the first show and now I am trying to get ready for my next show and am running into problems mentally. I do not know if I can do it without Clen but I want to. I have 8.5 weeks until my show and I am having trouble dieting, I am frustrated b/c last time dieting came easy to me!!!!!!!! can it be done in 8 weeks with no clen??? Any words of advice. Do all fitness girls take shit? That is my other question...I just want honesty, I want to know if everyone takes stuff and if they so what do they take. I get mixed answers and some truth would be great. I will take stuff to win if I have to but if I can do it without I would rather be clean. Any one out there got some answers or advice?