New member
Need some advice maybe, i feel like i know enough to run a "safe" cycle but more information is always needed and welcome.
Age: 24
Weight: 86kg
Height: 185cm
Body fat: around 22% (yes i know it's high i am not using gear to cut as a shortcut)
Training experience: 6 years give or take (been off for 2 years but i recently got back into it ans muscle memory has really helped me)
Week 1-6: 40mg oral winny ED (20 in morning and 20 in evening)
Week 1-6: 200mg test prop mon/wed/fri
Doing 50 mg prop on mon and wed then doubling up with 100 mg before the weekend on friday.
Working out 5 days a week. Strength in the mornings cardio in evenings.
PCT will simply be three weeks clomid 150/100/50. I don't feel the need for anything more extensive with such a mild cycle.
I will have aromasin on hand even on such a mild cycle, milk thistle and glucosamine for the winny.
Before you say i have too high bfp: I know, i am looking to increase volume and strength, not cut. I know i can get good natty gains as well, so no need to remind me.
I know this is a very mild cycle but i am planning on going through with it anyway. Partly to increase size by just a tiny bit but also to see how my body reacts to the different substances as i may be planning a bigger cycle in around 7 or 8 months when i have a better foundation.
I probably won't increase the test prop to at least 100mg EOD like many would advice. I am not looking for a cycle that makes wonders, i simply want a very mild cycle.
My main concern is liver toxicity from winny and joints. I have meds for both but i hear that glucosamine won't really be that effective against joint pain. Thoughts/experiences?
Yes this is my first cycle but i have more than 4 years of gear/cycle knowledge from reading on forums.
Age: 24
Weight: 86kg
Height: 185cm
Body fat: around 22% (yes i know it's high i am not using gear to cut as a shortcut)
Training experience: 6 years give or take (been off for 2 years but i recently got back into it ans muscle memory has really helped me)
Week 1-6: 40mg oral winny ED (20 in morning and 20 in evening)
Week 1-6: 200mg test prop mon/wed/fri
Doing 50 mg prop on mon and wed then doubling up with 100 mg before the weekend on friday.
Working out 5 days a week. Strength in the mornings cardio in evenings.
PCT will simply be three weeks clomid 150/100/50. I don't feel the need for anything more extensive with such a mild cycle.
I will have aromasin on hand even on such a mild cycle, milk thistle and glucosamine for the winny.
Before you say i have too high bfp: I know, i am looking to increase volume and strength, not cut. I know i can get good natty gains as well, so no need to remind me.
I know this is a very mild cycle but i am planning on going through with it anyway. Partly to increase size by just a tiny bit but also to see how my body reacts to the different substances as i may be planning a bigger cycle in around 7 or 8 months when i have a better foundation.
I probably won't increase the test prop to at least 100mg EOD like many would advice. I am not looking for a cycle that makes wonders, i simply want a very mild cycle.
My main concern is liver toxicity from winny and joints. I have meds for both but i hear that glucosamine won't really be that effective against joint pain. Thoughts/experiences?
Yes this is my first cycle but i have more than 4 years of gear/cycle knowledge from reading on forums.