195 lbs
9-10% bf
Been lifting 3 years straight m-s
Diet is clean lean meats healthy fats carbs carbs 50%
Pro 30%
Fats 20%
All tests were done via bod pod and inbody .. For my stats
My question is this...
I have done about 5 cycles test p& c ,dbol, var, tren a, mast. I am on Trt have been for 3 years. so after a year of Trt I started mini blasts. I have fell in love with cut stack mix.. Tren,test,mast currently on it now 7 days in! love to stay lean I currently have 4000 mg test p and 4000 mg deca.. I only am doing a 5 week cut stack cycle with the ten test Blend all doses low and the same 250 mg every compound a week.. Got great gains last cycle and got shredded...
I have shoulder issuesand knee issues...
So want to run the deca!! test cyp is not for me the blood levels are not stable with the long ester I get bad acne witj test cyp so test p is what I prefer ... So with the 4000 mg test p and 4000 deca what should I run ?
Should i start two weeks before cut ends ? I want to keep deca low get nice gains not looking for much at all I'm happy at 200 lbs so a gain of 5 lbs after cut stack is perfect can I achieve that at 200-300 mg deca a week? And if so should I run test the same I hate high doses I prefer low and effective... Don't like high test 300 is mad I wanna go if that would prefer 200 mg test and open to deca dose advice ..... Pleas help with cycle if able to ... Btw thanks for ur time
Ps : I have caber and armidex as backups. No need for pct I'm on get
Current pic as of two days ago View attachment 130373
195 lbs
9-10% bf
Been lifting 3 years straight m-s
Diet is clean lean meats healthy fats carbs carbs 50%
Pro 30%
Fats 20%
All tests were done via bod pod and inbody .. For my stats
My question is this...
I have done about 5 cycles test p& c ,dbol, var, tren a, mast. I am on Trt have been for 3 years. so after a year of Trt I started mini blasts. I have fell in love with cut stack mix.. Tren,test,mast currently on it now 7 days in! love to stay lean I currently have 4000 mg test p and 4000 mg deca.. I only am doing a 5 week cut stack cycle with the ten test Blend all doses low and the same 250 mg every compound a week.. Got great gains last cycle and got shredded...
I have shoulder issuesand knee issues...
So want to run the deca!! test cyp is not for me the blood levels are not stable with the long ester I get bad acne witj test cyp so test p is what I prefer ... So with the 4000 mg test p and 4000 deca what should I run ?
Should i start two weeks before cut ends ? I want to keep deca low get nice gains not looking for much at all I'm happy at 200 lbs so a gain of 5 lbs after cut stack is perfect can I achieve that at 200-300 mg deca a week? And if so should I run test the same I hate high doses I prefer low and effective... Don't like high test 300 is mad I wanna go if that would prefer 200 mg test and open to deca dose advice ..... Pleas help with cycle if able to ... Btw thanks for ur time
Ps : I have caber and armidex as backups. No need for pct I'm on get
Current pic as of two days ago View attachment 130373