Hello. I have a concern about my bloodwork after failed cycle and poor planed pct. So heres a little of a background about me. 22years old. Train from 8 years, last 2 years i could not gain more than 2 pounds (i was 186) so i decided to take steroids. my cycle was test E 250mg 2 shots a week with arimidex 0.5 everyday. Than i planned pct with nolva and clomid BUT.. after 6 weeks i was taining hard but nothing happened i was curious wtf is going on and after some checks i find out that my test was fake (still dont know what was in it). i was scared because i thought that i already injected some unknown sh*t in my body and i threw away everything incl my nolva and clomid. so after i stopped it i started to gain fat .. and by gaining fat i mean serious GAIN OF FAT.. 2 months ago i spoke with exbodybuilder and he said that probably my test was underdosed and suggested me to do 6 shots of pregnyl 2500ui e2d + clomid for 3 weeks 100mg so i did it.. meanwhile after i stopped everyhing along with the fat i lost my sex desire.. i have girlfriend from 2 years and sex is now a stress .. i have the erection but i dont have desire, i can stay away from porn and sex with days without even wanting to touch myself or my girl. i have depressions very often so yesterday i went finally to make some test (btw doctors in bulgaria are tragic i went to endo and he prescribed e to make tea from tribulus and thats all ..JEEZUS) so here are my bloodworks i cant understand a thing but it seems that my test is regular but others are too low and dont know which hormone is for sex drive .. all i want is to get this back..
FSH: 4.62 pref. 1,5 -12,4
LH 5.89 pref. 1,7 - 8,6
estradiol 99.40 pref. 28 - 156
testosterone 17.12 pref. 9,9 - 27,8
prolactin 562.1 pref. 86 - 390
after 1 week my SHBG test will be done. from this one i see low fsh, high estradiol and very high prolactin .. what can i do ?? advice please
FSH: 4.62 pref. 1,5 -12,4
LH 5.89 pref. 1,7 - 8,6
estradiol 99.40 pref. 28 - 156
testosterone 17.12 pref. 9,9 - 27,8
prolactin 562.1 pref. 86 - 390
after 1 week my SHBG test will be done. from this one i see low fsh, high estradiol and very high prolactin .. what can i do ?? advice please