I got the shock of my life today! I started a cycle last Friday. I am relatively new in the world of take suppliments. This is my 2nd cycle. On my first cycle, I took anavar and proviron. I had great results, hard and weight was really done. I have now started a new cycle.I started last week, I am taking winny 50 mgs a week and proviron 50 mg + 1 dbol 10mg. (I am thinking of dropping the DBOL) I gained 4.5 pounds! I know I shouldn't be focused on the scale but old habits die hard! Could it be water retention, muscle , fat? I was quite upset. I train really hard, muscle + cardio and barely cheat. i was thinking of having my BMI (fat % done) I was at 16% and my objective it to be under 15 at least!
help required. thanks in advance!!
help required. thanks in advance!!