everyone says to wait till 25 to use steroids and I turn 25 next month and that's when I will start so haha!
I notice a lot of negative feedback about Trenbolone lately on forums and Guy saying that it's a very strong steroid and not for younger people my question is what is so wrong with it for my situation. although this will be my first real cycle I have ran prohormones before which are steroids right?
so based on my history would it be okay for me to mess around with Trenbolone or no? everyone says to wait till 25 to use steroids and I turn 25 next month and that's when I will start so haha!
I notice a lot of negative feedback about Trenbolone lately on forums and Guy saying that it's a very strong steroid and not for younger people my question is what is so wrong with it for my situation. although this will be my first real cycle I have ran prohormones before which are steroids right?
so based on my history would it be okay for me to mess around with Trenbolone or no?
I notice a lot of negative feedback about Trenbolone lately on forums and Guy saying that it's a very strong steroid and not for younger people my question is what is so wrong with it for my situation. although this will be my first real cycle I have ran prohormones before which are steroids right?
so based on my history would it be okay for me to mess around with Trenbolone or no? everyone says to wait till 25 to use steroids and I turn 25 next month and that's when I will start so haha!
I notice a lot of negative feedback about Trenbolone lately on forums and Guy saying that it's a very strong steroid and not for younger people my question is what is so wrong with it for my situation. although this will be my first real cycle I have ran prohormones before which are steroids right?
so based on my history would it be okay for me to mess around with Trenbolone or no?