This is the end of my third day on thermorexin... the first two days I took only one cap with a banana after I woke up... didn´t feel anything, except a little more thirsty than usual (I am very thirsty normally).
Today I decided to take one more cap by lunchtime, but it didn´t get me going either...
I have never been a stimulant user before (only one box of hydroxycut a long time ago) nor do I have coffee usually.
Should I up the dosage tomorrow?? I wouldn' t like to go over 3 caps a day...
This is the end of my third day on thermorexin... the first two days I took only one cap with a banana after I woke up... didn´t feel anything, except a little more thirsty than usual (I am very thirsty normally).
Today I decided to take one more cap by lunchtime, but it didn´t get me going either...
I have never been a stimulant user before (only one box of hydroxycut a long time ago) nor do I have coffee usually.
Should I up the dosage tomorrow?? I wouldn' t like to go over 3 caps a day...