I don't know if this is allowed on these forums but I need help badly. I am 17 years old and I have ran two steroid cycles. The last one I ran was 4 weeks of "oral tren" It's not exactly tren but basically the same thing. Anyways that's not really relevant. My guy sold me a bogus pct and now my testosterone is almost non existent. I didnt go to the doctor and see what my exact test level is because I don't want to make my parents suspicious as they already are suspicious enough. But I ran my last cycle probably four months ago and now I cannot get completely hard ever. Even whenever I'm fooling around and I never just get boners for no reason anymore. If I start taking clomid for a short period of time will the bring my test levels back up even after I get off of it? What is the best solution to getting my test levels back up? Thank you beforehand for any serious replied.