1. Death injury and illness are the only three excusses......the last two can be worked around......unless in severe cases.
2. Eat eat and eat. clean and often.
3 .rest. ........i just bought a $2000 dollar bed!(this is in australian dollars so dont freak)not only sleep......but try to avoid stress (its a bit hard when you work 30 hours and go to school full time)
4. Lift smart. You will cause an injury or overtrain.
5. LEARN......everything you can about BB food, and your body.
6. Have some degree of fun. dont know if fun is the best word.....
7. surround yourself with the right people. motivational people........gym junkys or not, at home and the gym. You gotta have a positive mental attitude.
8. set goals and keep a record.
9. progression takes time. You cant change your body overnight........stick at it.
10. experiment and learn what is right for you.
5x5 works for me 12x4 works for joe blow but 10x2 might work best FOR YOU
11. listen to slayer, or 25 ta life........this shit will make you GROW boooyyyeee