i've been whining and moaning and complaining constantly. i've been doing 5x5 for squats and deads a couple weeks now and last week i did 185 for 5x5. i should have gone 195 for 5x5 today, but instead, i went 205. i had to. it's not much weight mind you (i've done sets with well over 300 when i was 14 y/o) but this is a colossal step on my road to complete recovery.
deads: bar x 8 (HURT), 135x5(no pain from here on) 165x5, 205 for 5 sets of 5
superset: glute/hams and side bends: GH: bodyweight x12 x 3 sets, side bends: 20 lbs x 15, 40 lbs x 15, 40 lbs x 10(HURT)
rev. hypers: bodyweight x 8 x 3 sets
ab work w/ bands
deads: bar x 8 (HURT), 135x5(no pain from here on) 165x5, 205 for 5 sets of 5
superset: glute/hams and side bends: GH: bodyweight x12 x 3 sets, side bends: 20 lbs x 15, 40 lbs x 15, 40 lbs x 10(HURT)
rev. hypers: bodyweight x 8 x 3 sets
ab work w/ bands