I’m 30 years old 5’10” 80kg
I’m currently doing 20 mg a day of rad140 and 20 mg a day of lgd 4033
results have been pretty good and I’m gaining some good lean muscle while also cutting my body fat
I’m doing a 1 to 1 ratio a friend of mine said that I should switch it up to keep the body confused
do you think I should switch it up to a tutor one ratio and increase or decrease the amount of lgd on doing along with the rad down to 10 mg or up to 30 mg?
I’m currently doing 20 mg a day of rad140 and 20 mg a day of lgd 4033
results have been pretty good and I’m gaining some good lean muscle while also cutting my body fat
I’m doing a 1 to 1 ratio a friend of mine said that I should switch it up to keep the body confused
do you think I should switch it up to a tutor one ratio and increase or decrease the amount of lgd on doing along with the rad down to 10 mg or up to 30 mg?