6’1’’ and 215 pounds. 14% body fat and want to moderate bulk. 37Yrs old
looking to do a testosterone cycle with some deca or maybe some EQ.
1000mgs total gear. 500Mgs each of test + deca/EQ option.
Want to finish it off with winstrol.
Would 25mgs of winstrol be good or should I do more? And is 4...
5’5’’ 134 pounds and 27 years old
so my competition is going to be in early May. I would like to run a cycle roughly 10-15 weeks leading up to it.
The steroids I plan on ordering:
test prop
when it comes to timing of these products how would you do it? Is it true that I...
I’m putting together a female stack for strength
I’m 5’4” 140 lbs and my goal is to bench one plate
the stack I am putting together is this:
25mgs a week testosterone E
10mgs a day winstrol
15mgs a day anavar
do you think this is good?
looking to do a recomping stack for females.
Heard good things on anavar and heard good things on winstrol.
A friend recommended I try both together 5mgs a day for 10 weeks.
I’m 5’5’’ and 135 .. would this require any type of pct?
36 years old and 85kg
I’m looking to use some Winstrol and see what kind of effects I can get using it. The recomp action I want to have is adding muscle and burning fat.
Which steroid do you recommend I use alongside it?
My plan is gonna be the winstrol 25mgs a day for 8 weeks
should I do test...
I’m looking for some help when it comes to my next 10 week cycle.
Looking to do some tren E and possibly masteron or winstrol with it.
Goals are leaning up and shredding!
I’m 12% body fat. 184 pounds and 6’1’’
what do you think about this lineup?
Tren 250 a week
masteron 400mgs a week
I’m 206 pounds and 17% body fat. 28 years old. And this is my 2nd cycle.
I want to shred down using trenbolone and winstrol.
What stack dosing do you recommend?
A friend suggested I do 500mgs of tren and 100mgs of winstrol. Says he ran the same thing and shredded up even on a bad diet. Thoughts?
I’m approximately 200 lbs and I’m 5’7” and about 18% body fat and I’m 25 years old
looking to put on some lean muscle mass and do some testosterone with equipoise
the testosterone I want to use is approximately 250 mg a week and I want to do around 400 mg a week of equipoise with it
also looking...
What are your thoughts on achieving that dry vascular look that guys on the internet and in magazines look like? Is that possible for someone who’s been a lifelong overweight person?
I’m 5’7’’ and 220 pounds currently around 20% body fat.
Lowest body fat I have been was probably around 18%. if I...
I would like to get more gains in the gym. I’m a female and I’m 5’6’’ and 125 pounds
when I go workout with my boyfriend I see other women training much harder and heavier then I could ever dream.
Would like to get to their level. I’m 28 years old.
You think winstrol would be a good option for...
currently 115 pounds, 5’3’’ .. very skinny and weak physique.
I’ve been going to the gym for the past year and I’m still very weak I can barely do the bar or pick it up.
Need some help when it comes to getting bigger
should I be using some testosterone and winstrol? An ex bf suggested those 2...
geneza pharma is an amazing brand when it comes to using steroids because their products are what helps champions succeed.
I’m a pro bodybuilder and have used several of their products ahead my contests.
My recent show I got 2nd place which was a huge improvement for me and I used the GP tren...
currently around 200 lbs and 6’1” and I’m 30 years old
looking to do a lean bulker.
The two steroids I’m looking to use are equipoise and winstrol. They are both good options for me but I would like to run them together
my plan is 12 weeks on EQ 500mgs a week
then using winstrol as a finisher...
44 years old and I’m currently 208 lbs and 6’2”
I’m looking to do a lean bulker and then a sharp cut going into the finish of the cycle
what do you think about using equipoise for 14 weeks I’m looking to use 300 mg a week and I’m looking to run it at a higher dosage halfway through.
I’m thinking...
heard a lot of good things on using trenbolone and winstrol
new to tren but not to steroids. Using them for 4 years. 30 years old and 216lbs
but as a newbie to tren I am a bit worried about using it because of the sides.
My plan is keep things smart
250mgs a week trenbolone + 50mgs a day...
I’m interested in a recomp cycle.
Its gonna be a combo of this:
test 250mgs a week
winstrol 50mgs a day
tren 350mgs a week
8 weeks.
I’m 28 and 210 pounds at 6’1’’ .
training 4-5x a week and taking in around 3300 cals per day.
Do you recommend I switch out winstrol for something else?
going to be doing a 8 weeks cycle using test prop and winstrol!
Very excited to do it I want to cut down nicely
I’m currently 16% body fat and my goal is to go down to 12%
I plan on cutting down hard and eating two meals a day and getting about 1200 calories.
Currently I’m 220 lbs and 6’2” and...
my goal is to recomp and cut down mostly and really tighten up my physique.
I’m about 12% body fat and would like to get under 10% and around 158 lbs
looking to do a quick cycle for 6 weeks using trenbolone, winstrol and test prop.
My first instinct is like this:
tren ace 50mgs EOD
hello, my name is Johnny and I’m 5’9’’ and 176 pounds at 14%. and I’m 32 years old. This is the first time I have tried to recomp with steroids
my next cycle is gonna be winstrol + sustanon and I want to do a recomp stack.
What do you think about this dosing?
50mgs a day winstrol 4 weeks on 4...
I’m really interested in using winstrol after reading about it and listening to the podcast on it. Seems like it’s a really good cutter.
I’m currently about 8% body fat and I’m 152 lbs at 5’7”. I’m 38 years old and I am an endurance athlete
would like to transition to bodybuilding going forward...