Hey female here
5’10’’ 135 pounds, tall and lean and athletic
I like my legs but upper body is not toned enough, and not strong. What PED’s should I be using to help me through my journey and what kind of workouts do you suggest I do to help with strength in the upper body
Well Ive been looking into steroids for a while now but finally decided to sign up and post because i want to possibly get serious. Im 19 5'11 and aprox 150lbs, I usually take in about 2.5-2.8k callories/day and if its a heavy workout day ill take aprox 80g of protien that day. Im looking to...
I am 5'8, 140lbs 24 year old woman and looking to shape and tone my arms. I exercise about 4 times a week: treadmill for 20 minutes, stair climber for about 10 minutes, and alternate between a brief leg and arm workout.
I consider myself somewhat weak so I am looking to shape up...
Can you please help me out. This is my very first ever cycle.
Been weight lifting consistantly for about 3 years.
I think pic on profile?
145 lbs
10% bodyfat
Planing on taking 40mg ed of Anavar, with 10mg eod creating mono. for 8 weeks. I was told I didnt need a pct.
I want to...