previous cycle was testosterone only at 600 mg a week and I did it for 12 weeks. I also kickstarted with some dbol .. current stats are 5’10” 205 lbs and I’m 45 years old
I started training late in life about 3 or 4 years ago and this is now my second cycle that I want to run
next cycle I want...
wanted to post up a review I posted on several sites online. I wanted to share it on here because I know a lot of you like to use domestic Supply.
Sometimes in life you just have to try things out to make sure that it is legit or not.
I can say that domestic supply is an amazing source. You...
I’m looking to do both test and tbol together. Just want a nice gentle stack. Putting on lean gains with low sides.
What do you think about using test 300mgs a week and tbol 25mgs a day?
This would be a 10 week cycle and it would be test cyp.
I’m 6’1’’ 235 pounds and 14% body fat. 37 years old...
26 years old and this is the first time I’ve stacked steroids like this. I’m 155 lbs and I’m 5’7”
I’m looking to stack turinabol and test cyp together
my dosing is going to be test cyp 500mgs a week and tbol 25mgs a day
now my question is about length of cycle. I think tbol is liver toxic and I...
reading good things on using turinabol.
I’m 165 lbs and I’m 5 ft of 10. female and have always been sporty and athletic
used to play volleyball and also I play defense on my soccer team and also played softball so always been active
looking at using turinabol to help my recovery. I’m doing...
currently around 218 lbs and I’m 5’9” and around 17% body fat
what would you recommend when it comes to using test prop and tbol together for recomposition.
A friend of mine recommended it although he hasn’t had much experience using steroids that’s why I want to check with you guys
Wondering what is the best option when it comes to using anavar along with test + tbol?
My initial blueprint was test 200mgs a week as my base.
Then adding 30mgs of anavar and tbol each for 6 weeks. But I would keep the testosterone for 10 weeks total.
I’m currently 6 ft tall 216 lbs and about...
so my review from using domestic supply is the following.
Got on them and it was a 12 week cycle. Started at 500mgs a week sustanon and 25mgs a day tbol.
Was NOT happy with my results at first. 2 weeks in didn’t feel much.
But after week three things really started to kick in and I was able to...
6’1” 185 lbs and around 12% body fat training for about 8 years and I’m 25 years old
not looking for anything fancy on this stack. Just want to use some testosterone and tbol on this next cycle
want mild results, don’t want a lot of sides.
Gonna do tbol 6 weeks 25mgs a day.
But when it comes to...
I’m looking to do a 16 week cycle but do more micro dosing and different steroids to kind of mix things in and keep things pretty active in the body.
My main goal is to have that on feeling throughout my cycle and be able to kill it!
I’m 28 years old, 5’6’’ and 180 pounds
my thoughts are this...
What do you think about cutting down on anavar and tbol for my next cycle?
I’m currently in my 50’s and its been a long time since I was lean. Would be nice to be able to see my penis when I take a leak lol. I got a bigger gut. But I am a powerlifter.
What do you think of doing 50mgs of tbol and...
I’m looking to do a short steroid cycle with orals and I would like to recover quickly from it.
Did a lot of research from the podcasts and articles on here. This forum is pretty damn cool and there is a ton of info so I keep researching.
Would love to see some opinions on doing a dianbol and...
I decided to try something a little different for this cycle and instead of bulking I decided to do a nice cutting stack that was mild. Wasn’t sure what to expect on Primo and tbol together. I know both are very weak steroids so I was surprised when I was able to put on a solid amount of lean...
had a question which I know isn’t very scientific more of an opinion than I’m seeking from those of you who have used PSL tbol vs. anavar.
How much of each can you use to get good results if I am seeking lean muscle mass. Which one of them have the best value when it comes to a general workout?
I want to do a little bit of a weird cycle and I want to see if anyone has tried this stack before and what kind of results you got.
The cycle I want to do is tbol, halo and primobolan
gonna do 20mgs tbol, 10mgs halo, and 500mgs primo.
What advice do you have for me when it comes to doing that... Hardcore 2.0 #69 - Tbol and Winstrol 2024 with Para Pharma
I’ve used GP for the first time recently and it was a 12 week cycle. Didn’t do anything complicated. Wanted to get some lean muscle mass and bring up my legs too. Ran a 3 steroid stack and it went great! nice experience using them ordering was simple online and everything came perfect. products...
looking to do a trio of steroids this time.
Tren E, EQ and tbol together
my plan is this:
tbol 30mgs a day 6 weeks
tren E 250mgs a week 10 weeks
EQ 12 weeks X 500mgs a week
low dose sust with it
33 yrs old. 4th cycle. 207 pounds and 12% body fat.
Should I increase the dose if I start doing good...
27 yrs old
2nd cycle
not interested in anything too aggressive. Just want something mild
205 lb and I’m 6 foot 3 inches
looking for info on primo and tbol
my plan was
4 weeks tbol to start and finish
12 weeks primo
just need help on dosing them