Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #136- Top steroid cycles for those under 30 years old by Para Pharma
Evolutionary.org 579 - Which Ancillaries Required during Steroid cycle?
Hello I'm 24 and currently started my 2nd course of steroids, just now I'm taking 0.7 of NPP and 0.7 of Test enathate every 2nd day for a 14 week cycle but I'm curious if I would be able to change over to Test primo,tren,anavar I'm just curious on when I would be best to start that to finish my...
Evolutionary.org Episode 491 Caller has questions and East German Steroid Secrets.
Evolutionary.org Episode 490 Ricky V Rock revisits some great past shows you need to hear.
Evolutionary.org 488 Poll of Steroid users reveals information about how they are being used.
Evolutionary.org Episode 487 Steve and Rick answer 13 questions NOT about steroids.
Evolutionary.org 486 Natural healthy ingredients to take along with your Steroid cycle.