I’m looking to put together a sarm cycle for recomposition and I need your help. I’m currently 240 lbs 38 years old and I’m around 17-19% body fat. definitely no more than 20% body fat
I’m hoping you can give me some advice on how I can get my body fat down to 10% while also putting on muscle...
reading online it gets confusing. some people say You’re supposed to dose it at 2 mg once a week others say you’re supposed to do a higher dose twice a week
I guess it might depend on the individual person
I’m 300 lbs and I’m 5’11” and I’m 38 years old I’m looking to cut body fat and lose weight...
I had a question for those of you who use sarms on a regular basis
since sarms are good for a fat loss and things like gw501516 can help you lose weight even when you’re not exercising do you guys indulge while you’re on them?
Like you guys hit the buffets and do you guys eat a lot of red meat...
oh I would like to increase the amount of cardio I’m getting and I’m looking to use sarms to help me for running and swimming
I’ve got an indoor track at my gym and also a pretty good olympic-style pool
best thing of all is nobody uses either so I’ve got it all to myself lol
I’m 28 years old...
I’m 17% body fat, and 177 pounds and 5’7’’ .. 28 years old.
Haven’t seen too many people use sarms for hardening. Seems like most want to use them to cut body fat or to build lean muscle mass.
Do you think stacking s4 and ostarine would lead to hardening? Or should I add in some cardarine gw...
I’m 5’8’’ and 180 pounds with 12% body fat and 41 years old MILF
What do you think about doing a recomping stack using sarms + steroids?
I want to get into better shape.
My thoughts were this:
winstrol 5mgs/day
anavar 10mgs/day
gw/20mgs a day
I’m 23 years old and I’m looking to bulk up I’m 5’7” 145 lbs and have been skinning all my life
I can barely do more than 1 or 2 pull-ups that’s how weak I am I would like to get bigger and I would like to get stronger
what are your thoughts on lgd and rad 20 mg a day for 8 weeks?
I’m looking to use a sarm stack that will get me as close to steroids as possible without actually using steroids. I’m 22 years old and I like to wait a year or two before actually you steroids I’m a 205 lbs and 6’3”
Looking at using s23 at 25mgs a day. How much do you think I could run stacking...
I’ve been training natural for the past 3 years after running steroids for a couple years.
Honestly I think I have more room to improve and I would like to get more results using sarms
what is the best option when it comes to sarms use? Should I push for this:
ostarine 25mgs
lgd 10mgs
or should...
Currently 28 years old I’m 5’11” and I’m around 170 lbs
I’m not looking to blow up 20 lbs or anything like that I’m just looking for some moderate Mass improvements
how much sarms would go good if I was to use lgd4033 and nutrobal together? Or should I try something else?
I train 5x a week
getting a lot of conflicting information. I was stationed in japan for 3 years, just moved back to the USA and stationed home now. Could not find any sarms in japan unless it was fake. Can you give me a good sarms source I can get now and which is best for fat loss?
I’m currently 6’ 250 pounds...
s4/andarine are a great option for a lean bulker I think.
Love this type of sarm.
Now what to add to it? How about some ostarine?
Would that work well or should I try something else?
I’m 5’9’’ and 178 pounds. 21 years old. First time with sarms so hoping this will work for someone who trains 4x...
I’m 44 years old. 75kg. 5’9’’ and I’m bringing in around 3000 calories per day which I’ve increased
I’m training about three times a week but I plan on increasing it to four times a week
doing a split routine
I would like to use sarms to help me do a moderate bulking stack.
The 3 sarms I am...
Looking to stack lgd4033 + ostarine mk2866 for gains on my next cycle. I’m 160 lbs and 6 ft tall I’m badly in need of adding some muscle to my frame and adding strength because I’m very weak
A friend said do 25mgs of each for 10 weeks although he said I would get better results hitting 50mgs of...
I ran sarms for 12 weeks then ran another for 20 weeks. It was a combo of s23, s4, and sr9009.
Had good results and didn’t want to come off but I did.
It’s been a couple months and I got blood work done in my total testosterone came in at around 550.
I’m 28 years old and I think my numbers are...
24 years old and learning about nutrition and how sarms work. I’m 218 pounds and 5’7’’. around 20%
I’m looking to do a high carb diet while also using sarms.
My plan is this:
lgd4033 + ostarine mk2866 and going about 16 weeks
now my question is if I am keeping carbs high. Let’s say 350-400g per...
I’m looking to do some competitions and compete in physique
a couple of my older Buddies that I grew up with are doing it and they’re doing very well and having a blast
so I already know about posing and all the basics on how you should prepare
the differences they’re using steroids and I want...
stats are : 6’1’’ and 170 pounds. I want to bulk up. I’m 23 years old.
Been training for 9-10 months and stuck at a plateau. I workout 6x a week and do 20+ sets per session but no improvements.
How would I run LGD4033 + s4/andarine together?
Should I do 100mgs of each per day or 50mgs is better?
it’s embarrassing but I currently weigh around 315 lbs so I’m very overweight
I would like to cut down maybe 50 lbs if possible over the next few months
I’m already getting on a workout program and I plan on really dialing in my diet
which sarms would you recommend for me? I’m 48 years old
sarms isn’t something I have used before but a lot of people at the gym have talked about them.
My stats are 28 years old and I’m 245 lbs and around 25% body fat
Gw501516 is a great option so I think I will run that 30mgs a day
the other 2 sarms I want to run:
ostarine mk2866 and some lgd4033...