I’m looking to do a 2-5 days split routines. The reason is I get annoyed and the same routines get old to me. I’m also switching up my gyms to a new place that is smaller and less crowded so I will have more freedom to choose what I want to do.
Can you give me some advice to get things going?
Looking to build a huge mountain back like I see online some guys doing that whole pic in the mirror thing and snapping a picture for facebook and getting chicks. I want to be THAT guy too. So how do I grow my back big? Looking for pointers. I am 6’2” 142 pounds. Totally new to lifting a...
Hello everyone.
I was just wondering if you guys could help me with using steroids. I'm 23 years old weight 165 height 187cm been training for 1 year but the last 2 months been working out really hard. I have purchased 10 milz of sustain 250 6 milz of deca 250 and a mass gainer with creatine Nd...
Hello Ill get right to it. I am 19 yrs old, 6'1" about 165, I was around 185 (mostly in my legs)once but then I went to college and stopped working out as much lol. The summer is almost here and one of my friends is going to try a cycle of Winstrol for a month starting in June. I think that I am...