What do you think about stacking gw501516 and mk2866 ostarine?
I was thinking that gw could be ran 30mgs a day and ostarine at 25mgs a day would be perfect.
12 weeks and then doing a mini pct with nolva and fadogia.
Is this a good setup? My goals are recomping … I’m around 250 lbs and 6’4” and...
looking to do a recomping stack for females.
Heard good things on anavar and heard good things on winstrol.
A friend recommended I try both together 5mgs a day for 10 weeks.
I’m 5’5’’ and 135 .. would this require any type of pct?
I want to recomp. Sick of being Mr. Nice guy and want to build a lot more mass while burning fat away.
Need your advice on best sarms for this purpose.
25 years old and I’m 218 lbs at 6 ft tall
The 3 sarms I had in mind:
sr9009 50mgs a day
s4/andarine 100mgs a day
ostarine/mk2866 75mgs a day
I’m 54 year old, 5’7’’ 174 pounds and around 20% body fat
need some help when it comes to recomping
want to run something clean and easy on my next cycle
I’m looking at doing ostarine and sr9009 together.
Would 50mgs a day ostarine and 25mgs sr9009 work best?
I’m putting together my biggest sarms stack ever. I want to use sarms for recomping.
What are your thoughts on going with sarms?
27, M/85kg/lean physique
My thoughts are stacking it like this:
rad140 20mgs a day
sr9009 25mgs a day split dose
nutrobal 25mgs a day AM.
12 weeks then stopping it...
Here I’ve spent the past 12 years being overweight recently I lost about 80 lbs and I see that a lot of guys on here have had similar experiences.
The weight loss has been fantastic but I’ve also shed a lot of strength in the process and I’m still not where I want to be I would say I’m about 16...
a 22 years old and I’m 225 lbs and about 28% body fat
going to do a short 8 week cycle using sarms
not really a big fan of sarms and I don’t really believe in them but I’m willing to give it a shot and try something once.
What do you think about ostarine mk2866 25mgs a day and sr9009 25mgs a day...
what is going on guys
my stats are 5’11’’ and 193 pounds with 12% body fat. 28 years old
I’m hoping to get in some real world experience with those of you who have tried tren + hgh + an oral.
My main goal is recomping.
My initial dosing is going to be 3.33iu’s hgh, 200mgs of test and 300mgs of...
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #104 - Ultima recomping steroid options for late summer
My main goal is recomping. Currently 23 years old and I’m around 218 lbs
Had a question about what else I should be stacking with sarms. Right now I put together an interesting cycle of sr9009 and some yk11.
Its 25mgs a day of sr and 10mgs a day yk11. The gains are plateauing out and I’m only on...
if you want great products and great customer service then napsgear is the place. They have so many different options and Brands to pick from that you can get very creative with your Cycles and try different things.
I especially like their blend options they have many ones that nobody else has...
4th cycle and I’m 28 years old, 5’9’’ 173 pounds.
I’m gonna be stacking three different steroids on this next cycle.
Would like to do Primo 500 mg a week, test E 300mgs a week, and then add in some tren E. this will be the first time I have used Tren.
What is your advice on using a cycle like...
Been very motivated reading these logs on here you guys are amazing all of you.
Had a question though about recomping and cutting my calories with steroids
I’m 205 lbs and I’m about 16% body fat maybe a little less. 44 years old.
This will be the third time I’ve used steroids but I would like to...
So this is the 4th time I have used trenbolone and I would like to run a bigger cycle.
My friends are saying that tren is a great option for recomping but I’ve always done well bulking with it
5’8 and around 210 pounds and big
anyway whatever, not here to get into semantics. Bottom line is this...
Currently 15% body fat and I’m 216 pounds and six foot three inches
40 years old
I’ve done 1 recomp before, that was with trenbolone
this time I want to recomp without tren.
2 reasons
1. its hot where I live already and I don’t want to deal with the tren sweats
2. tren side effects are brutal...
like most of you I’ve hit a wall at 40 years old very hard to lose the fat and also put on muscle mass at my age versus 10 years ago
need some help with steroids that you recommend that I use for this situation
was thinking of doing tren. But I’m not that experienced with gear so not sure if I’m...
I got 20% body fat and I'm hoping to drop to about 15% on the cycle
217 lb and I am 5 ft 10 in
don't have much muscle on my frame either so if I can maybe keep the muscle that I have or add more muscle while also dropping the body fat that would be most ideal for me
and I am 57 years old...
So i’m planning on my next cycle. overall it's going to be a cutting cycle but I want to be a little clever with it
What i mean is that i want to do a fast cut which i will stay on for 6 weeks, then continue the stack with a long cut. The only difference is it will be tren and masteron short...
I keep saying that I'm going to do this but I never get around to it. I know recomping is very hard. I’ve always just cut or bulked, never recomped both
I’m gonna go for it with sarms. I'm currently 6'1 212 lb and around 18 to 19% body fat
I've got decent muscle on my frame but nothing too...
My next cycle i want it to be sarms why not. I want to definitely burn off fat
I’m 225 pounds and 5’10’’ and 27 years old
I have 2 ideas and i wanted to see what you thought
My first plan was :
This plan is based on reviews i have read about it being good for recomping and fat...