a bit about me. I’ m40 years old. Used steroids for 5 years never ran anything too harsh but have done test at 1000mgs a week as my max dose. I’m 255 pounds and 6’2’’. goals are strength and more of a recomp.
want to use tren for the first time and go with tren E 200mgs a week for 10 weeks
I’m interested in trying a stack of gw501516 cardarine along with s4/andarine
heard good things about both of these sarms.
20mgs of gw should be good no?
And what do you think about s4 at 50mgs a day?
My goals are recomp. I’m 18% body fat and 210 pounds and 5’10’’
looking to do a recomposition cycle
my stats are pretty modest I’m 6 ft tall 205 lbs and around 15% body fat and 30 years old.
my cycle would look like this:
tren E 250mgs a week for 10 weeks
mast E 500mgs a week for 12 weeks
test E 200mgs a week for 15 weeks
would this work good? Should I add...
36 years old and 85kg
I’m looking to use some Winstrol and see what kind of effects I can get using it. The recomp action I want to have is adding muscle and burning fat.
Which steroid do you recommend I use alongside it?
My plan is gonna be the winstrol 25mgs a day for 8 weeks
should I do test...
I’ve used equipoise and I’ve use tren E before. But not together.
What do you think about stacking them together this time. 300Mgs of the EQ and maybe 250 of the tren E for 10 weeks?
Goals are recomp, lean bulking.
It would be a 12 week cycle and I’m 34 years old 5’8” and I’m around 178 lbs
my next cycle I want to use some masteron and tren for recomping
I’m 43 years old and around 208 lbs and I’m 6’2” 12% body fat
looking for the best body of my life and doing a recomp. My goal is to be at 8% body fat and be at around 215 lbs.
My plan is:
trenbolone E 400mgs a week
masteron E...
I’m looking to use S4 along with sr9009
I know that both of these are very controversial and some people don’t like them While others seem to really like the products
been reading a lot of reviews on Reddit about both and it seems like the new thing right now is stacking them together at 25 mgs...
okay so I know if you’re trying to build mass you probably want to Target around 500 or 1000 Surplus in calories and if you’re trying to lean down you want to be in a deficit around 500 or 1000 calories on the other direction
but what happens if you’re trying to recomp? Is it a matter of if...
I’m 46 years old and I’ve been training off and on for the past 10 years.
Also been using steroids off and on for the past 5 years.
Over the past 6 months I’ve been very consistent with everything and my diet is on point
I’m up to 220 lbs and I’m 6’5”.
would like to recomp and drop some body fat...
my goal is recomp
I’m eating 2500 calories per day
I’m around 190 lbs and I’m 6 ft tall and 32 years old.
The stack I had in mind:
rad140 20mgs a day
sr9009 25mgs a day
s4/andarine 50mgs a day
would this stack work for my situation?
Wondering about using gw501516 and s4/andarine together
the s4 dose I want to do is 25mgs a day and then gw 20mgs
I want to burn fat while gaining muscle
I’m currently five foot eight 185 pounds and I have room to lose some weight
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #72 - Recomp and Get Lean with Pharmaqo Labs
Hi I’m 50 years old, 210 pounds and 5’10’’
I took about six years away from using steroids but now I’m back
I’m interested in using some testosterone with some anavar.
What would you recommend I use along with 400 milligrams a week of testosterone E for 12 weeks?
My initial plan was using anavar...
I’m looking to stack some tren and masteron on my next steroid cycle. I’m 38 years old and 180 pounds and 5’8’’
looking to recomp, current body fat is around 14% and want to get it closer to 10% while also gaining strength and mass.
My plan is this:
tren 250mgs a week 12 weeks
masteron E 300mgs...
42 years old, 177 pounds and 5’11’’
first time using both test and anavar in the same cycle.
Want to make sure I am running the doses optimally for a recomp
right now I got test cyp at 250mgs a week and anavar at 70mgs a day. I have 10mg pills and plan on doing 3-4 in the Am and 3-4in the PM...
29 years old third cycle and I am 185 pounds and six foot tall
looking to do a recomp stack and build more size and cut more body fat
stubborn body fat is definitely around my belly
here is my recomp stack where I am keeping things very MILD. What do you think I should change or adjust?
just want to report a positive experience using testosterone propionate and anavar from domestic supply.
They have been on point across the board.
Domestic Supply not only has excellent customer service but their products themselves are excellent. I’ve used anavar before, but pretty sure both...
so I want to use tren without adding any DHT’s to my stack. That means do not recommend winstrol, primo, masteron, anavar or proviron even. I hate DHT’s and they always destroy my hairline and they cause me a lot of acne and prostate issues.
What steroid would you stack with tren for recomping...
first time attempting a recomp. Very pleased with my results. I’ve spent the past few years trying to accomplish more muscle and less fat, but didn’t have success until this time. I went with primo Which is usually really expensive but I was able to get a really good deal with geneza pharma...
currently 5’9’’ 175 pounds and 15% body fat
what are the best ways to use SR and LGD together?
Looking to recomp. I feel like I can cut down on some body fat while also gaining muscle mass I’m 22 years old.
How many times a week can I train if I stack these two together as well can I train every...