I am a younger guy, just turned 21 and my bench is almost 300 and my squat is 350+, I can also do almost 20 pullups with good form. I hope to improve these numbers but my concern is why are my arms so small? I measured them under 15” while cold. Shouldn’t they be over 16-17” by now with these...
Hey I am looking at setting up a pulling day routine. What do you think about this ? I am on a cycle so want to up my game to get more results and take advantage. Been training for 4 years but never did split routines
3 sets pullups (weighted) 10-12 reps
3 sets pulldowns
3 sets rows
3 sets...
I remember reading a post on here I think from Stevesmi a while back where he said to forget curls and do pullups if i wanted to grow my arms. so i followed his advice and been doing them and he was spot on as usual. I'm up to 35 pullups and when i started a year ago i could only do 6. my...