im 28 years old and 170lb. i ran a cycle of winstrol, sustanon and anavar for 8 weeks, i didnt make a PCT at that moment(big mistake)
sustanon 500mg per week
winstrol 150mg per week
anavar 30mg ed
one month later
i took HCG 5000iu every 5 days for 3 weeks (3 shots of 5000iu) with 50mg of...
Hello and THANK YOU SO MUCH for this..
This is my firstcycleand have a ton of questions and as you know there is plenty of conflicting advice on the web.26y/o 215lbs about 15-18% BF. Good diet and 7 years work out exp.Taking my firstcycleto shred down for a local calendar shoot.6 weekcycle...