I've been injecting Test Sustanon 300. Alternating shoulder every other day for about two weeks now. About two days ago I injected in my left shoulder and now I have severe pain when I move it. There is no swelling or bruising. Is that normal, or will it subside eventually?
ps ive been doing...
I have just started my first cycle of test e at 500mg a week (one shot per week)
Yes I did take all te precautions and sterilized .
My main concern is that is has been 5 days since my first injection and I still have a swollen glute with a large lump . This has been very painful and has limited...
Other then the needle itself, is injection pain usually related to the strength of the gear, the amount of ba, both, or some other reason within the compound????
Hi I am just into my third ever cycle this time I am using dbol, sus and deca together, I had my first inection on Tues last week of 350mg sus (EP PHARMA) and 300mg deca (EP PHARMA) same needle and on the wed it was really painfull over the next few days a lump has formed under the injection...