First post here guys..
I am 28 was lifting naturally from 2006-2014. I competed in a few powerlifting comps at 75kg. I have torn my ACL and meniscus twice (playing soccer both times) first time they used my hamstring as a graft for my ACL (bad idea now). Then I re-tore again 2 years ago. I...
Hello there,
So this is my first time using some anabolic stuff and I ordered ostarine pct pack from ironmaglabs and they have a test booster that increases the Lh and boost test and 1 estrogen inhibitor to prevent bitch tits
They recommend to use it as follows:-
1-4 weeks ostarine 3 tablets a...
Hi everyone.
I've been lifting seriously for about 2 years now been workingout 6. I'm 21, 6ft 193, roughly 15%bf. My current goal is to cut or recomp but focus is fat loss. Here's the problem back in February I got a thoracic back strain at work. Went to their crappy doc who only gave me...
Looking for advice for my first cycle (hence the 1st post). Im 17 years old and a endurance athlete, so not looking gain too much muscle. I was thinking of running GW and Osta, at 15mg and 20 mg respectively for 12 weeks. Or could I run just Gw or just osta (looking to ease into it for my first...