Currently 35 years old I’m 5’10” 150 lbs
main goals are to put on some lean muscle mass
definitely want to stay lean and not lose my abs
my next sarms cycle I am planning looks like this:
ostarine mk2866 50mgs a day
lgd4033 10mgs a day
rad140 20mgs a day
will be a 12 week cycle
any questions or...
Looking to stack lgd4033 + ostarine mk2866 for gains on my next cycle. I’m 160 lbs and 6 ft tall I’m badly in need of adding some muscle to my frame and adding strength because I’m very weak
A friend said do 25mgs of each for 10 weeks although he said I would get better results hitting 50mgs of...
I’m 30 years old 5’10” 80kg
I’m currently doing 20 mg a day of rad140 and 20 mg a day of lgd 4033
results have been pretty good and I’m gaining some good lean muscle while also cutting my body fat
I’m doing a 1 to 1 ratio a friend of mine said that I should switch it up to keep the body confused...
I’m 23 years old and I’m currently 5’8” and 148 lbs
What do you think about stacking ostarine, rad140, and lgd4033 for bulking up?
The 3 sarms I was looking at doing are ones that I have researched Extensively and I feel like they will help me with my fitness journey of gaining a good amount of...
I’m 28 years old and I’m 5’10” and I’m 218 lbs
looking to get some more lean bulking to my frame and maybe get up to 225 lbs of stay lean my body fat is close to 18%
gw501516 and lgd4033 seem to be the go to supplements to run.
Interested in trying them both for 15 weeks.
Greetings everybody how are you doing. I hope everybody is having a great holiday season
I want to start the new year right and get on a sarms cycle I’m 25 years old and I’m 5’10” and this would be the first time I’ve used them
I’m looking to use lgd 4033 and sr9009
do you think that 20 mg a day...
lgd seems like the perfect storm for what I’m looking for
it not only helps you recover from your workouts from what I’ve read but I also helps boost muscle mass.
Sounds like the perfect steroid to me and I would love to use it
what would be the best thing to stack with it I’m 22 years old and...
I wanted to put together 3 sarms on my next cycle
its going to be lgd, rad, and gw501516
thoughts on how to stack them together?
I’m 155 pounds, 5’8’’ and 22 years old. Want to do something where I can train 3-4x a week and get good results
I’m currently 32 years old and I’m about 150 lbs and 5’8”
I’m looking to take something to boost my size.
Lgd and rad sound really good
would you recommend 20 mg a day for 8 weeks and then increasing my calories to 3500?
so I started a new job as a busboy and I have access to the buffet after closing and we can pretty much eat everything we want so it works pretty good for me.
I’m looking to use sarms to help me grow more muscle and lose body fat and get in better shape overall
do you think I can just eat one...
24 years old and I’m around 188 Pounds and five foot six approximately 20% body fat
I’m most curious about gw501516 and using lgd4033 together for lean building and fat loss.
Really excited to see what they are capable of doing.
My dosing I wanted to use are 20mgs of GW per day and 15mgs of lgd...
I picked up a couple bottles of rad and lgd 4033 and I would like to run them at 5 mg each for about 12 weeks
my main goal is better recovery and some lean gains
do you think running them at that small dose is even worth it what I see any type of results with less side effects much more do you...
I’m looking to do a stack of lgd 4033 and GW501516,. These are the two sarms I want to go with and I’m open to doing a third if you recommend it
my main goal is lean muscle mass and fat loss
I would also like to cut some body fat down and get leaner.
It’s going to be an 8 week cycle I don’t want...
I’m a female who’s 112 lbs very petite about 5 ft tall and I’ve always been very skinny but I’ve been strong for my size
I’m looking to get stronger right now I can do a bench press and I can do the bar plus about 10 or 15 lbs on each side which my boyfriend says is pretty good for my size
I ran steroids for the past couple years and I really put on way too much bulk and I’m not really comfortable weighing this much
went from 185 lbs up to 207. also my body fat rose probably about 3 or 4%
my main objective is to start the journey to cutting down from here
I’m 25 years old and I’m...
What’s up everybody I’m currently 24 years old and I am new to using sarms
my stats are 160 lbs and I’m 6 ft tall
I’m looking to do a nice sarm cycle where I get some moderate effects and benefits
I’ve read a lot about S4 being really good and being fast acting in the body but I’m concerned...
I’m looking to add gw cardarine to my next sarms stacking
think I will try rad140 and lgd4033 together.
Hopefully those can stack well.
My dosing I was thinking was 30mgs gw, 20mgs rad and 25mgs lgd.
12 weeks. And I want lean muscle mass with endurance and fat loss
currently 24 years old and I’m...
I’m in my early 40s and I’m looking to change up the way I train. 250 pounds and 5’11’’
no longer interested in going super heavy when I work out I would like to run a modest cycle and get good clean results without any side effects
that’s why I’m going to sarms.
My thoughts are lgd and gw501516...
I’m doing a sarms cycle and want to do something a little different. Want to switch out sarms mid cycle.
Currently doing rad140 and 20mgs a day and not seeing much action on it. Want more fat loss for example
right now I’m 217 and I want to get to 200 or lower
Can you recommend an 8 week sarm I...
I’m currently on lgd4033 and running 20mgs a day. I don’t like the effects that I’m getting because I’m getting a little aggression. Purchase them from one of the sponsors on here so I know it’s legit.
I’m looking to switch it out for either S4 andarine or maybe rad140.
I’m four weeks into the...