heard that equipoise is great for boosting appetite.
I definitely have an issue with appetite and I get full and satiated very fast
I’m 5’10” 210 lbs and I hit a plateau we’d like to push to 240 lbs
Wondering when it comes to bulking how much of it would be the max dose? It can you run it at...
5’9’’ and 180 pounds and 38 years old. Training 4-5x a week and pushing a lot of strength too.
I’m doing equipoise and I’m doing testosterone together.
One of the things I was finishing up was my current cycle. I’m at week 10. I want to add an oral to it to finish the last 4-5 weeks.
Which oral...
I’ve done three different steroid cycles and I managed to put on between 12 and 15 lbs total.
I’m currently 195 lbs and I’m having a hard time getting over 200 lbs while also staying under 15% body fat and I’m 28 years old.
this is why this time I want to go with equipoise and testosterone
I’m debating if I should get a blend that already has testosterone and equipoise together or if I should use them separately.
In the meantime I was wondering about dosing for someone who’s looking to put on moderate muscle mass and size.
What are your feelings on doing test 250mgs a week + EQ...
I had a question about using equipoise and using it the best way possible to get the most benefits
my main goal is to get moderate muscle mass.
The equipoise dose is going to be 300 mg a week and I’m gonna use 10mgs a day dbol with it
should I do 16 weeks or 12 weeks and how do these dosages...
35 years old 172 lbs lean physique and about 5’10”
I’m looking to use testosterone along with equipoise for 15 weeks and get some quality muscle mass.
The dosing that I was thinking of doing was 500 mg of the equipoise and 250 mg of the testosterone.
Also looking to throw in an oral for good...
currently around 200 lbs and 6’1” and I’m 30 years old
looking to do a lean bulker.
The two steroids I’m looking to use are equipoise and winstrol. They are both good options for me but I would like to run them together
my plan is 12 weeks on EQ 500mgs a week
then using winstrol as a finisher...
Need your advice when it comes to my situation. I’m 6’1’’ and 180 pounds and lean. 38 years old.
I’ve been waiting forever to see some better gains and now I need help when it comes to mid-cycle getting more results.
For some assistance when it comes to changing the cycle.
Right now I’m doing...
here this is going to be my second big cycle I’ve done and I’m looking to stack some equipoise and var together
I’m 50 years old and I’m around 238 lbs and about 15% body fat and 6’4”
main goals are to put on some lean bulking
what do you think about EQ 500mgs a week along with anavar 50mgs a...
205 lbs and 6’3”
what do you think about using test E and EQ on my next cycle for bulking?
I’m hoping you can give me some advice
my test E dose will be 250mgs a week. And Equipoise I was thinking anywhere from 300 up to 700 mg a week.
What is the prime dose that you recommend for 12 weeks if I...
currently in my late 30s and I’m 185 lbs and I’m looking to put on lean muscle mass at 5’7”. my body fats around 13%
I’m eating around 200 g of protein a day and I’m doing about 3000 calories
what would you recommend when it comes to lean gainer stacking.
Would you use primo at 500mgs a week...
Oh I think in 2024 it’s very important that you receive fast service and fast shipping when you order anything online. This is why domestic Supply is my favorite place to go.
I recently put in an order for 3 vials of testosterone 4 vials of equipoise and a couple different worlds and...
I’m around 90 kg and I am 5’10” and I’m 30 years old
this will be my fourth cycle and I want to start pushing things
I was reading some cycles that professionals are doing and it turns out that equipoise is a really good steroid. I’m looking to use a lot of it 1200 mg. This will be the first...
I’m a bit confused when it comes to equipoise and what oral steroids work best with it.
My stats are 5’6’’ 188 pounds and looking to lean up a bit from here. And I’m 35 years old. Coming off a long relationship and back in the dating pool so want to attract the hotties.
My plan is 12 weeks of EQ...
I’m currently six foot tall and 205 pounds and I’m approximately 14% body fat
hoping to get more results out of my equipoise cycle and looking to use 400 milligrams a week
previously I have ran it at a higher dose but then it feel like I have my diet and training on point. This time I will do it...
Wanted to post up a review from domestic Supply based on my experience.
I will be as honest as possible in this review.
The cycle started kind of slow, I probably should have used the kickstart but wasn’t seeing much the first couple weeks.
By week four things were really starting to kick in and...
putting together my summer stack has been something that I’ve been working on for the past few weeks.
I’m 35 years old and this is going to be my biggest cycle ever I’m approaching 200 pounds and I’m five foot eight
my goals are strength and more mass without gaining fat.
My cycle I’m planning...
I was wondering how good of a cutting cycle it would be to do 250 milligrams of testosterone and 600 milligrams of equipoise together.
My plan was doing that for 10 weeks
and finishing the cycle with 50 milligrams a day of Winstrol.
I’m currently five foot 11 and I weigh 222 pounds and about 16%...
I’m looking to put on some lean muscle mass and build some strength but not have crazy side effects either
My initial plan is to do 500 milligrams of both equipoise and Primo together and then stack in around 250 milligrams of testosterone.
What do you think about using equipoise and primo...